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05/17/24 3:11 AM

#130136 RE: drumming4life #130135

I really appreciate your posts and up really glad DB is back!. Go VPLM!
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05/17/24 11:39 PM

#130178 RE: drumming4life #130135

So, had to really think this out a bit and I'm back to no substance, it just isn't worth the bullshit! Allow me:

My post came first(THE ONE POST I GET/DAY); do you notice the post as one in reply to you or anyone??????? That's because it wasn't a reply to anyone specifically; your question was one of a number of the same question which has been asked over the recent past. I handled it as delicately as I could because it is a ridiculous question only a dolt like jimmy cramer would try to BS over!!! And, I've answered it before. How could anyone say with any seriousness why VPLM was not above $.02, no matter the volume? How about below $.01? With the lower volume today, 42 trades, how does anyone KNOW why someone sold, unless you know the seller? The buying, OK, they figure VPLM is going up!

All that aside, my post NOT AIMED DIRECTLY AT YOU, and you go off because I try to suggest a way to be constructive with the board, packing my one post: at least aiming for no negative???? WTF?

"Do I get upset about stuff that happens, absolutely! For example, the bait & switch on
the anti-dilution clause! Do we have a right to voice our opinions about our frustrations…last I checked we still have that right as well!" Isn't that just priceless irony?
And, "the bait & switch"?????? Nit?

So, your stuff is "FACTUAL" cuz you say? You were "begged to email" the court docs??? Begged, really?

Lastly, the "cesspool of insults & BS that never comes to fruition"?????????? Amzn deal? Nothing? Court dates? New attorney? Addition of a board of advisory including Ray Leon? Nothing? Alice? huawei deal? Seems like quite alot to me...

LET ME BE CRYSTAL CLEAR: Folks can think/believe what they want!! Think it is all, nearly all in the rearview mirror of the court filings; think the insider selling is an issue, fine! I asked Rich about the court filings; he does not have Pacer, nor does he read other than the big ones...granted, he has access to Lewis. Why the constant calling out for more PRs? I hear something has come out(filing), I rarely read it, I just call Rich for the "nuance", or the why. FOR ME, the reading of the filing comes down to little more than shuffling papers on the desk.

CRYSTAL CLEAR #2.....Much, much more going on than anything in the filings...

I was just curious about texts between Rich and I: Looked up on my phone and it was 6,800+ texts, plus hours on the phone... Rich does a fabulous job, is working hard for us all!

Again, my first post which initiated this all was not directly aimed at you! BTW, never do I worry about a punch in the mouth, I assure you!

Re: None
Thursday, May 16, 2024 10:52:43 AM
Post# of 130177

$.0156 Ahhhh, the old "adult conversation" and how nice that could be, however so much of the time the board seems to turn into a therapy session. I have found, in many areas of my life, the adult conversation I find most useful is the one with the dude in the mirror! I challenge myself constantly; few seem to these daz!

So, I spoke with 200mm++++++ the past couple daz and he said he didn't understand why so many badmouth/question so harshly the investment they are supposedly in. Did I say something about "therapy"? So, let's strip this down a bit:

The lack of PRs/info coming from VPLM has been ongoing for something like seven years, ever since Mr. Hudnell took over. It's nothing new! "Concentrate on the filings"/ it's all in the filings/the filings.... Well, why the void?

VPLM is a unique play, with few PRs coming out, SO THIS BOARD BECOMES MORE IMPORTANT AS A SOURCE, wouldn't you think?! Put yourself in a newbies place, or someone invested who only has time to check the board. Much of the time what you see now is long time posters, formerly positive, turning negative, questioning VPLM! Where are the estimated damages/the settlements are hinky/insider selling/Emil would be a "sellout" if.../why the dilution(DUH?), why isn't the price rising on the volume( A LOADED QUESTION, BTW) and on and on......The filings, isn't it all in the filings?

I posed the why isn't the market price moving up on volume question to two former brokers I worked with, just for fun. One a 48 year vet and VPLM investor, the other only 42 years. Sorry, can't divulge the answers in mixed company...Ya never get that question from clients lol.

Why isn't the price rising with the volume??????? Really? The postings here might influence things more than you think. Long time "positives" going negative and not "blindly following VPLM anymore"? Why would anyone blindly follow anything?

I don't know why this is, but few folks will challenge themselves on anything thing these daz....I'M ON THIS TEAM, I THINK THIS WAY. Look at trying to have a political conversation with someone on the other side. Get folks going sour on VPLM and they have a need to blurt it out!

OK, so that being said, Rich did not have time for DeerBalls last night; we are supposed to speak today.

LET ME BE CLEAR, I AM AS EXCITED AS EVER ABOUT VPLM PROSPECTS GOING FORWARD. Emil/Rich and the whole GREAT TEAM are getting it done!!!! Yes, there is some trust involved, it's the nature of VPLM and any play which takes place between attorneys and in the courtroom! I DIDN'T SAY TOTAL TRUST; I know how words get twisted, but the team has earned trust! Isn't the new advisory board including Ray Leon a bit of a clue? Why would VPLM sign them on; why would they sign on?

My one rant for the day! Questions? Please post and I will ask Rich.... I AM TRYING TO HELP OUR COLLECTIVE SITUATION HERE WITH VPLM!

Ask yourself who is eating(buying) all these shares....buyers buy for only one reason; sellers sell for millions of reasons!

Re: DeerBalls post# 130101
Thursday, May 16, 2024 12:47:06 PM
Post# of 130177
Da fuk? I asked about your thoughts & opinions on where we are on price since volume was moving up and this is the answer…or should so say non-answer?

Feels like a page from NYT!


Fine, I’ll accept that. I’ve been and still am a strong supporter of VPLM…going on 12+ years to be exact.

So if anyone on here is questioning my commitment to VPLM, you really have no idea about me and if you’re being told I’m negative on the company or Emil, you’re absolutely wrong. Do I get upset about stuff that happens, absolutely! For example, the bait & switch on
the anti-dilution clause! Do we have a right to voice our opinions about our frustrations…last I checked we still have that right as well!

Go back in history and look at my past posts & the FACTUAL stuff I have contributed to the discussions…even sharing a large number of court docs AT MY OWN EXPENSE to the group to try to keep everyone informed. It’s pretty weird though, back then there was lots of interest in the court docs and was even begged to email them to people. Back then, this was a place to get mostly factual info…now it’s become a cesspool of insults & BS that never comes to fruition, which is sad.

The fact that VPLM is still going after all these years against the bigs is a testament to Emil’s tenacity & the legal strategy. Any long is looking for a reasonable return on our investment and hopefully it comes real soon.

Unfortunately, like 30% of society now, there’s no place for alternative points of view if those views/facts differ from what you believe! Critical thinking is dead! Further, social media has made people way too comfortable with disrespecting others without the fear of getting punched in the mouth!
