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bull runs

05/14/24 8:14 AM

#15999 RE: timberwolf7 #15976

Exactly. They have had a monopoly on information flow for so long. Need I list all their outlets. Fortunately people have other options today. So many never thought there were others who viewed things as they do. Now they realize they have ALWAYS been part of the vast majority. There are those who got sucked in by liberal outlets who now realize they have been following deutsche bags. Finally there are those like we find here who have their heads in each other’s arses. All combined leftist truly are a dying breed. Soon we will all sing in unison I’m proud to be an American!

bull runs

05/14/24 8:24 AM

#16001 RE: timberwolf7 #15976

You are right about polls. You always have to read between the lines. This is true not only with polls but all information. Leftist don’t like freedom of speech and therefore do not typically allow information which threatens their agenda. Their search engines are purposely designed to bring information which meets their criteria to the top. If you don’t download something that you need, you may not find it later. It’s all by design. Only a fool doesn’t recognize this.