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05/12/24 12:17 PM

#474030 RE: brooklyn13 #474027

So maybe the idea of worldwide revulsion at all things Israel has been a tad overstated? If you’ve been fooled about this by social media, it’s understandable, with the emphasis on “you’ve been fooled”

I have seen no one express revulsion at "all things Israel" here. Check your victimhood at the door, you are the only one overstating it.
I have seen revulsion at some of their actions, yes. I have also seen revulsion expressed at what Hamas did and is doing. The only person that seems to be fooled is you.


05/12/24 5:26 PM

#474082 RE: brooklyn13 #474027

brooklyn13, No it is not a start to anything. It is simply a continuation of the objective and relatively unemotional manner in which i have always looked at the Israel situation here. You can stuff your subjective assertions to what myself or others here may be looking forward to. To answer your latest

"Well, that’s a start, I’m sure everyone here is looking forward to the time when you pronounce various screeds as “anti-Zionist b.s”. Unless I’ve missed it already.
P - In other pop culture news, the Israeli contestant in the just completed Eurovision competition won the popular vote in 14 countries, including Australia. As I’m sure you know, there was a move to have her banned from the competition.
P - So maybe the idea of worldwide revulsion at all things Israel has been a tad overstated? If you’ve been fooled about this by social media, it’s understandable, with the emphasis on “you’ve been fooled”

there, i don't expect it would ever happen as i don't expect i would ever see "anti-Zionist b.s." posted here.

No, i didn't know about the Eurovision situation, though it doesn't surprise me there would have been a move to ban them. Just as i'm not surprised to read of the rejection of Russia's appeal against the Olympic ban .. .. they are under.

And no, i don't believe "So maybe the idea of worldwide revulsion at all things Israel has been a tad overstated? If you’ve been fooled about this by social media, it’s understandable, with the emphasis on “you’ve been fooled”" has ever been overstated.

In fact i've never seen it stated at all in the sense you mean it. There is worldwide revulsion at Israel's massive overreaction to the Hamas atrocity of October 7. There is much more of that worldwide than there is "revulsion of all things Israel". As there should be. You yourself, and others, have commented on the fact that relations between some Arab countries and Israel have seemingly had Israeli massacres of Palestinians exorcised from them. Relatively anyway. Obviously, in that, "revulsion of all things Israel" is not paramount, even in Arab countries where many would more expect it more to be.

In the sense you mean it, there never has been worldwide revulsion of all things Israel.

Am sure there are individuals worldwide. Even big and small groups worldwide, who are antisemitic just because they
hate Jews. Course there would be individuals and or groups worldwide who hate Americans too. Wouldn't there be.

Your constant victimhood position is a fail.

janice shell

05/12/24 9:42 PM

#474100 RE: brooklyn13 #474027

In other pop culture news, the Israeli contestant in the just completed Eurovision competition won the popular vote in 14 countries, including Australia. As I’m sure you know, there was a move to have her banned from the competition.

What? I don't think anyone here has said anything about individual Israelis. The problem is what the Israeli government is doing,