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05/10/24 4:23 PM

#276387 RE: Money4Nothing-M4N #276386

Good afternoon. Things are looking up, up, up. I really appreciate your putting info on ihub. Thank you again my friend.


05/12/24 7:05 PM

#276445 RE: Money4Nothing-M4N #276386

Interesting that Ben Hansel has a 24/7Market News email and lists the same phone number that he uses on emails I received from him. I'm glad he put it out, but it's not exactly the independent news sources I first thought it was.


05/13/24 6:00 AM

#276451 RE: Money4Nothing-M4N #276386

Love that article/promo! Especially these insight$$$$:

When Kraig Labs achieves its first commercial-size spider silk production run, the added value should be substantial, especially considering the following factors:

Market Positioning: Bringing the first commercially viable bioengineered spider silk to market adds to Kraig Labs’ current leadership position in the next generation of advanced materials. This strengthened position should command premium pricing, especially in high-value markets like medical devices, aerospace, and defense.

Product Differentiation: Spider silk’s unique properties—such as its strength, flexibility, and biodegradability—offer significant advantages over traditional materials. This differentiation could allow Kraig Labs to penetrate various markets deeply, from textiles and apparel to more being specialized applications like surgical sutures and bulletproof vests.

Sustainability Appeal: Given the increasing consumer and corporate focus on sustainability, Kraig Labs’ ecofriendly spider silk could attract substantial interest from industries looking to improve their environmental footprint. This sustainability aspect could also open government subsidies or tax incentives, further enhancing its commercial value.

Scalability and Cost Efficiency: If Kraig Labs demonstrates that its spider silk can be produced on a commercial scale at a cost competitive with other high-performance fibers, this could rapidly accelerate adoption and increase the company’s market share in the materials sector.

Intellectual Property and Licensing: Many spider silk-based technologies will be patented, providing Kraig Labs with additional revenue streams through licensing agreements.

Collaborations: Commercial production could lead to strategic partnerships with major brands in various industries, enhancing Kraig Labs’ market reach and application spectrum.
