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05/09/24 2:22 PM

#473654 RE: B402 #473653,clear%20debris%20from%20the%20harbor%E2%80%99s%20main%20shipping%20channel.

Meanwhile the democrats, thanks to President Biden have accomplished this, where the fuck are the republicans, have not seen anyone in Baltimore doing anything to get this major port open.

Once again, President Biden just keeps getting it done.


05/09/24 2:25 PM

#473655 RE: B402 #473653

This what your guy is doing, defending himself in court about actual payments, and checks he signed using campaign funds to pay off a porn star for sex, a few weeks before the 2016 election.


05/09/24 4:22 PM

#473662 RE: B402 #473653

And you have the state of West Virginia to set a shining example of what a well run Republican state for the less fortunate blue states should emulate


05/16/24 12:46 AM

#474662 RE: B402 #473653

B402, You want weird, it ain't here except that we allow you and other contrary posters to post here. That's what good echo chambers do, eh, allow the repetitive shonky .. .. claims .. , you never-independent trolls post here.

Such generosity some see as weird. Even some of our own.