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Dragon Lady

05/09/24 12:02 PM

#9704 RE: tdbowieknife #9702

LOL yepper,

Free Dope Gang Records??


Looks like all failures too.

Yeah - sure as hell nothing spells "Big business success" like "FREE DOPE" bros n dudes and hoes n bitches and chicks n shit.....

Question: How much FREE DOPE does a DOPE GET from Jake the DOPE SLINGER ....inquiring minds wanna know ???

What kinda "FREE DOPE" was ole Jake slingin around ?

DOPE - how apropos for the shit-show train wreck combo bad plane crash scene dumpster fire unfolded below !


"DOPE RECORDS" and profuse use of gang-speak and prolific firearms imagery, psycho language, smearing of females, talk of forced and foul sexual acts performed on females by Noch up to and including imagery/verbal descriptions of likely rape, etc. Psychotic IMO !!

JAKE P NOCH aka BRICK GOD SOSA among many "other" aliases he uses and "operates" under - ramblings of a psychotic lunatic IMO !!
That is an AR-15 or a variant of one in his hand and he's wearing a "bandanna of colors" aka typical well well recognized criminal street-GANG member attire - AND the "channel" and his logo is peppered with high powered military grade firearms as his moniker, his "logo" and imagery to ID his name, his "brand", his self labeled "Ganster and gang member lifestyle" etc.

"CARTEL FOR LIFE" - as in drug cartel and illegal sale of narcotics and operating of criminal gangs… etc JAKE P. NOCH…he created it…he said it…he “claims this is his life and what he does” – he TO ME is a bonafide dangerous and VERY SICK sociopath !!
Full of EXTREMELY sick and violent acts against females being described by Jake Noch, "I whipped that bitch" and "I fucked that bitch" and "She sucked my dick" and implicating he used FORCE to cause these female victims to perform gross and violent sexual acts with him/on him.

Mother Regina Noch apparently supports and funds this psychotic mentally sick POS her son Jake Noch WTF (see FL Secretary of State – she’s in total control of the “family”as Jake describes his “business” which I assume includes funding via the momma controled “Noch Qtip trust” FL)…she “likely” funds this psycho as she 100% controls the family trust funds given to this sick SOB and provides him a luxury lifestyle and he’s living in her estate home per easily found public records ??

How sick is Regina Noch to support and back this - letting this POS live in her estate house while she funds his sorry ass, as he describes “I fucked yo bitch” and “them bitches sucked my dick” and every sick sexual and violent act one can perform on a female ? HOW can Regina Noch not be fully aware of what this violent deranged thug does to females and as to his "gang and drug dealing" activity and obsession with dangerous military grade firearms, etc ? How, HOW THE F would she not know all this ?

JAKE P. NOCH aka "BRICK GOD SOSA" and his self titled self aggrandizing brain stew psychotic ramblings titled.... "Oh God Damn" ....WTF ????

Psychotic ramblings of a dangerous sociopath to ME – highly misogynistic anti-female horrible ramblings about using violence on females and language of performing violent sexual acts against females, he describes use of weapons, etc. He uses wording such as “savage” and “Taliban” when describing himself in this shit brained psycho case video !!

Jake P. Noch of penny shit ticker $SONG…Calls females “bitches” and “I took a shit” or “I took that shit” meaning by violence and “I fucked yo bitch” using rape and violence on a female who is the wife or companion of another male he’s describing – clearly saying “I took her sexually by force” ….etc.

This is a VERY SICK and VERY MENTALLY DISTURBED PERSON TO ME – aka Jake Noch CEO of scam penny ticker $SONG !!!

I personally consider this clearly psychotic and insane nut Jake P. Noch a VIOLENT THREAT TO ME – because he specifically said he wants to KNOW WHERE I LIVE and WANTS ALL IDENTIFYING INFORMATION ABOUT ME in order to hunt and find ME !!
ANOTHER “alias” of JAKE P. NOTCH is now “SOSA IFGB” which the sociopath writes as “$O$A using dollar signs (his self proclaimed – YOU AIN’T SHIT WITHOUT MONEY and I DO WHATEVER IT TAKES TO GET MORE MONEY and variants of those psychotic ramblings he recorded, posted and published !!) and he’s clearly in a photo selfie…he’s 100% for certain “GANG SIGNING” w/ right hand at belt level see the photo… and other extremely disturbing images posing “Gangser and thug style” !!!

ABOUT from that self worship site of Jake Noch:

Unlike many artists, $O$A IFGB is a real Real Blood Gang member and can do anything with a little bit of money and lean.

To be a "Blood" gang member is defined as tied to the notoriously deadly and violent "Bloods" of Los Angeles origins - the "Crips" are their violent rivals. "Bloods" do now reach even to FL where Noch is and also are no longer primarily a "African American gang" but embrace Caucasians, Asians, etc. Jake P. Noch claims "Blood" gang affiliation and he does it numerous times across numerous platforms, websites, etc. FL fairly recently made a huge arrest of approx 45 "Bloods" for everything from murder to drugs and sex trafficking etc. THIS is who Jake Noch claims he "identifies with" and "is/was a member of" !!!

ALL "Bloods" are tracked in a criminal national database - ALL and ALWAYS. Congrats Jake Noch and thanks for what I will use against you, you jack ass.

To ME Noch appears to be a extremely mentally disturbed individual and HE claims he has a criminal background as a “Gangsta” and “Member of a Miami branch of the notorious Blood Gang” and “Is a drug dealing Gangster” etc.

HE SAID IT ALL and I HAVE IT ALL PRESERVED FOREVER (Jake Noch has already “scrubbed” some damning evidence – the “Podcast” where he described himself, “Popping a cap in anyone who touches my jewelry at a Miami rap public venue” which would be illegal use of likely a concealed carry firearm and likely terroristic threats of using a firearm at a public venue event and other criminal statute violations and WE PRESERVED IT and CAN SUBPOENA that interview he’s now “scrubbed/blocked/taken down” –

WE….WE HAVE IT ALL…. as does a “3 ltr” govt investigative agency now among “other” law enforcement and other “civil regulatory agency agents who also pursue criminal acts when appropriate and utilize the DOJ acting as their criminal enforcement arm”.. I’m already in-contact with and building a profile on this person Jake Noch who is HUNTING ME (and many others) via his own public posted statements !!!


GANG HAND SIGNING – belt level using right hand and THAT is Jake P Noch w/o any doubt !!