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05/09/24 9:58 AM

#15380 RE: bull runs #15373

Yep.. have one in my volunteer ems unit that is a die hard, no logic, irrationale individual along the lines of louie, blackie, and the rest

Can regurgitate the LIES on demand that he has been 'programmed' to believe. Trying to talk/present contrarian evidence to him is like

talking to a brick wall/rock.. Cause he repeats the same thing the useful idiots on here do. Its not one they TRUST, so therefore it can't be

listened to. Cause only what they hear is the 'truth' (whether or not it really is, doesn't matter to them)

and during the covid, because of my background, I knew the masks being pushed weren't going to stop any so called virus from getting thru.

But do you think he would listen?? Naw, fauci, birx, cdc said its 'so', so it was so. But as I warned him, they will be exposed as LIARS with time

and they have been. Same with taking the jabs. When they first 'mandated' it, told them to go to hell. All others took the 1st one, most the next one, but

I kept warning, the pfizer clinical trial, something wasn't right. It was done too fast to make sure there were no ILL side effects. Then when the whistleblowers

started to say, we SAW people getting hurt, having adverse reactions, getting attacked and silenced cause they were trying to warn.. Thats when you

KNEW something was really going on that wasn't right. And of course, the commie party used this 'pandemic' to PUSH FOR, EXPAND the use of absentee

ballots and of course, some of us knew right away why.. It was purely in support of committing massive vote fraud. And that happened.

Yep, one big hoax, supported by an untold number of LIES, LIARS. And sadly, too many still believe the BS they were fed, too stupid to

be able to connect the dots and see that massive vote fraud did happen. And that the commie party knows its their only hope here in 2024 to the point

that in Michigan, they are floating a bill that prevents asking for recounts, challenging the election results. And you have to be dead to NOT know why the

commie party wants that kind of power over the election and its 'results'..


05/09/24 10:00 AM

#15383 RE: bull runs #15373

Hey asshole, I gave you 4 links that confirm my point that anti-Covid vaxxer Trumpanzees willing, stupidly, removed themselves from the voting roles.

There are NO data showing the contrary. But thanks for the jobs program for undertakers and Darwin Awards factory employees, nitwit.

You really are the dumbest of 💩's.