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Dragon Lady

05/08/24 6:46 PM


LOL !!

Sorry, sarcasm, you didn't do anything but post facts about his past and your opinion on it. It's a SLAPP suit. His excuse for naming you is that you (and almost 400 other accounts) threatened him and his family.

You of course did not and he is just trying to get you to stop spreading facts about his past.

Perfect - gotcha :))

My sarcasm threat detection radar must be "off" today as this jackass Noch REALLY has my blood boiled - I NEVER jack around when anyone is "coming for me" - you saw my background. I'm "wired" to take threats seriously, always !!

Again - I did a quick-pass on that due diligence post you made and it looks REAL REAL GOOD !!!

IF you have more on this dirt ticker $SONG or anything else Jake Noch is "up to" - maybe ping me some more links to save me hunting around for all of it.

I'm coming for this Noch now, to put it mildly- I want to get this stuff to regulators in a "real tight, real clean and easy read format" and do it ASAP !!

I wanna see this dude in a CLUB FED LOCK DOWN one day or just FED hounded until he sleeps with one eye open waiting for the knock on his damn door from the FED and/or any other "3 ltr" or similar agency.

He REALLY F-d this up - coming for people and falsely claiming "because they made violent threats at me and momma and even our 3 legged dog named Lucky" blah blah blah. Dude picked the wrong person on the wrong day and that was ME !!

I'll hound this guy now to the ends of the earth as a "matter of principal" now - I hate shit bags, hustlers, cons and ESPECIALLY shit head "Gangsters" and "Gang" anything. And I mean hate um to the deepest core of my inner soul !!

IF you were to have seen who imprisoned me for 4 yrs of my life aka communists in one of the most brutal and violent and deadly regimes in recorded human history - you would see that it ALL starts and foments and is "cooked up" with nothing but tapping into the thug brains, the "Gangstas" the shit heads of society and "getting them on board" and via those methods you can take a 12, 14, 18 yr old "kid" and turn them into one the most violent killing machines ever known.

I saw 12 and 14 yr old mere "boys" with AK-47's slung over them and the damn gun so big the barrel touched the ground as they weren't barely tall enough to "sling it" properly. Those "boys" in under 6 months of brain washing and fomenting them w/ violent thoughts, imagery, lies etc - would shoot their own parents and think or feel literally nothing after doing so. I saw it all - all of it !! "Gangstas" - and I mean thee most violent and sickening shit a human being can ever ever dream up !!

I watched these "Teens" willing to shoot their own parents which I witnessed 100's of times, they murdered babies while the mother was forced to watch and they raped and demeaned females in EXACT language that if "translated" is near EXACTLY what Jake Noch aka Brick God Sosa speaks like in his shit-video rap brain fried stew.

Females aka ME became thee lowest life form - just a worthless "object" to rape or use for gross sexual acts and then literally kill or toss aside - "Yo I fucked them bitches" aka Jake Noch speak, in spades !!

The line between respecting and honoring females and those who beat them down to being "yo, I fucked that bitch" and "Bitch dunn fucked me cause I'm rich" and "suck my dick you hoes" aka JAKE NOCH shit videos - it's a VERY thin line and thugs are thugs anywhere on this planet.

I DESPISE this kind of ass hat - living in daily fear of violent rape and seeing it on a almost daily basis, that was my life for 4 yrs "in the camps" and for several yrs after in "safe" supposed refugee camps !!!

SAME MALES - same mentality that a female is a "Bitch you use to fuck" as Jake Noch says too many times to ever count !!!

I'm going to destroy this guy "legally" as I'm not in the wild west of my birth country - BECAUSE HE SAYS HE IS "COMING FOR ME" and that was his fatal mistake he made and he can't put that cat back in the bag.

Jake Noch glorifies gang banging and speaks of "popping a cap" in someone aka violently killing a person as being "bad ass cool and hip and so Gangsta" and blah blah blah. NOTHING about ever taking a human life is "cool and bad ass" - not in combat, not in self defense, not EVER !!!

ANY further due diligence updates or deep analysis as you've clearly been doing etc that you happen to hit on - PLEASE ping me a link, I'd super appreciate it !!