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05/08/24 8:59 PM

#200567 RE: namtae #200566

Pulling the wool back a little on how the pct scam works.

Not a misstep.

PCT knew exactly what it was doing. They just didn't give a **** about their lowly shareholders.

Yeah, you can't sell a scam without scamming people. Stock scam 101 tell the shareholders how much you care. Total slimeballs.

.Ya know, the shareholders PCT claimed they cared so much about

I'm a little disheartened tbh. Maybe the more things come to light thru other efforts the more the chance they'll be charged and thrown in jail. The sec needs more people complaining. It's hard to allocate the necessary resources to investigate the scam when it's only one or two people filing claims. Still time for these scumbags to be held accountable. Not likely, but it would be nice.

. Too bad they haven't been charged for knowingly taking on 20+ toxic deals which guaranteed the ultimate failure of Pct and annihilation of its share price