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05/09/24 7:55 AM

#15325 RE: blackhawks #15178

You BELIEVE otherwise but you have zero evidence to support your benighted belief.

Not true at all. Here is perfect supporting evidence from the website dedicated to presenting a balanced perspective on news:

Of course, this goes against your preconceived beliefs, so cognitive dissonance will kick in and you’ll say AllSides must be biased (it’s not - they deliberately have conservatives, centrists, and liberals who work there and review their stories).

Republicans are notoriously 'search averse' because they want/NEED to see beliefs reaffirmed along political lines.

Uh…you think only Republicans are like this but not Democrats? LOL!!! Provide evidence of your claims (hint: it doesn’t exist - partisans on both sides of the aisle do this).

All this begs the question of how Google, a company of techno-nerds, the polar opposite of junk science, anti-vaxxer, conspiracy theorist, nitwits, could possible appeal to conservatives as a work place?

I assume that by “junk science” you mean claims that men can have babies, we have only 10 years to live due to global warming, children can make informed decisions about gender reassignment surgery and hormone therapy, organic food is better for you, coastal cities will be underwater in a few decades due to global warming, COVID lives on surfaces for days so everything must be disinfected, it’s ok to go outside and scream and protest during COVID as long as it’s about social justice, COVID has a death rate over 1%…boy, I could go on and on! ;-)

I assume that by anti-vaxxer you mean the Democrats and the media (but I repeat myself) who stoked fear and loathing of the “TRUMP vaccine” that was “rushed through FDA approval” and shouldn’t be trusted ;-)

I assume by conspiracy theorist you mean the recent Democrat theories that there are groups of armed Trump supporters in the mountains ready to launch attacks on cities (where on earth did Maxine Waters get this LOL), or that the Jewish Rothschild family controls the weather and causes storms (that particular Democrat got re-elected after that LOL!) or that Joe Biden didn’t sexually assault Tara Reade in 1993 (CNN actually had her mother on Larry King Live at the time where her mother also detailed the allegation), or that the now-discredited “Steele Dossier” was true, or that the Hunter Biden laptop story was Russian disinformation (even the New York Times actually confirmed it was authentic), or that Trump colluded with Russia, or that Trump said “there were very fine people on both sides” of the Charlottesville riots, or that Russia is helping elect Trump…really any theories about Trump. Freud would certainly have something to say about this weird obsession (yours included) with the God Emperor ;-)

I assume by nitwits you mean…well…people like you who toe the Democrat party line on free stock message boards posting dozens of times each day, for hours each day, day after day, week after week, month after month, year after year…without even getting paid! Boy, when the term “useful idiot” was conceived, I bet they could never have imagined they would be as hard-working as you are ;-)

Keep on keepin’ on brother. You've got years of your life left posting on here :-)