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05/07/24 9:33 PM

#82906 RE: Diamondhands45 #82901

I would love John Park to do a number on the dafamers.. I think he has cause with these 🤡s

Kool Aid Man

05/07/24 11:00 PM

#82926 RE: Diamondhands45 #82901

Where did I say they couldn't??? IHub has a "subpoena policy" that spells out the particulars which read in part---

iHub will release user account information that may be sufficient to identify the InvestorsHub member only when the party seeking the information has filed a bona fide legal action that implicates the iHub member in some legal impropriety or wrongdoing and can show that the information requested is material to the underlying case. In other words, we don't produce user account information based on subpoenas engaged in "fishing expeditions." Persons seeking user account information must provide iHub with a copy of the complaint and supporting documentation to indicate how the iHub account holder is related to the pending litigation. The scope of the information sought should be defined narrowly and with specificity. We will not produce on subpoenas which include overly broad descriptions such as "all information," as doing so would typically be a violation of federal and state law.

Upon receipt of a subpoena and initial review of its legal sufficiency, iHub will attempt to notify the member(s) whose account information is being sought. Any subpoena must allow a minimum of twenty (20) days in order to allow named members the opportunity to move to quash the subpoena.

iHub will determine at its sole discretion the applicability of this policy to any particular subpoena. This policy does not create any enforceable legal rights, either for members or for requesting parties.

So STFU with your ham-handed attempt to spook critics into silence.