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05/06/24 2:31 PM

#129869 RE: straightword #129868

To be honest, SF, I'm not sure where you got the "billions and billions of ongoing infringements the emu has talked about"... I'm fully aware of the billions and billions of dollars in damages alone, that they have not only spoken of but they gave specific damages amounts in line with that twice now. I don't remember the year, but their 1st published damages was put out when they sued the 1st handful of company's. It was 4 or 5 companies I think and using that 1st metric/formula, I believe it came to approx $12 bil in damages sued for. Around that time, I think prior, they had named approx 60 companies as infringing. Quick basic math is easily many billions and billion, in the company's own words. Years later however, they decided to revamp the metrics used for figuring damages. That was around 2017 or 18. I recently posted those figures direct from Vplm published PRs. In that revision, again around 4 or 5 company's were used and this time it came to roughly $102 bil. Multiply that against the 60 or so companies and I know there exists more than 60 sizable voip service providers, of which Vplm stated that ALL voip service providers were automatically infringers......and you can see why some time ago I attributed the company's alleged value just in damages, to be upwards of a trillion bucks... It was very realistic using vplm's own published numbers and if you consider that those numbers were from 6 or 7 years ago, and consider all the inflation since, those numbers would be even higher. If you sliced it by 90%, it would still be billions and billions. The irony is Carl Sagan never said that, BUT VPLM DID!

Now, if you consider all the alleged infringers and the number of phones they sell with allegedly infringing abilities and crunch the numbers, not hard to see how that would add up to billions and billions of ongoing infringements, but I never heard Vplm put it in those terms. If they did, when, where? It goes without saying anyway, as shown above. It's all a bunch of silliness anyway. It's like how you could be dying of thirst and be drawn to a desert mirage showing a pool of water. It's all good til you get there...

As to your pharma analogy, it could very well be far more than just an analogy... Lord Emu of eGipped has stated many times that he founded or confounded a cancer research company in Germany years ago, still in operation according to him. He has given the name of the company which escapes me at the moment, but when he 1st noted it, I did a very extensive search for anything about this biomedical research company. I really searched hard, hi and lo for it, even specific Germany only searches. I could never find a single word naming or about this alleged company. What if someone had important info for them or wanted to make a donation. It does not appear to exist, then or now. In my research, I did find an American cancer research company of THE EXACT SAME NAME but they have no affiliation with the emu. I have asked for anyone who has any info regarding the mere existence of this company to let me know. Crickets... I just remembered the name.. It's Thorne biomedical. So happens that Thorne is a very famous name in American cancer research. So that's just one more thing to add to the list of emu failures, fantasies and schemes. The list is real, but some as yet unproven and significantly long.
The name should be changed to VPLMW aka voip pal monkey wrenches.


05/06/24 3:49 PM

#129870 RE: straightword #129868

I see your post volume is increasing as we get closer to the court dates. Do you get paid by the post? Asking for a friend.