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05/06/24 7:59 AM

#51274 RE: snow #51273

So the primary difference that made those companies better is just the fact that they had a higher valuation? So at $5 SP iqst would be a buy, but at .33 it's not?

I believe average growth in wholesale telecom is 7% a year. They did 8x the average last year and are on track for like 13x the average industry growth this year. Do you place no value on that? Do you know of any other companies doing over 100M in sales that are growing over 100% this year and profitable? Fidelity's stock screener doesn't show any comparable companies. If you loosen the criteria to just 50%+ growth and over 100M revenue it brings up a decent list of companies but most are losing tens of millions, or hundreds of millions of dollars a year. The ones listed that are profitable at all have market caps in the billions.

Fidelity is one of the largest asset managers in the world. Search over 100M revenue, over 100% growth, over $1 net income, and market cap under 100M. Exactly Zero results. After 2024 when IQST files their annual 10k with 100% growth and profitable they would be the only company on that list, except they are not going to have a market cap under 100M by then.

I think you're full of shit honestly. But if you're being genuine, I would suggest you stop looking at blue chip company valuations today as research, and look at what those companies valuations were back when they were doing what IQST is doing. And don't make dumbass excuses like their share prices were higher so it was different, that's exactly what we're talking about, IQST's share price should be higher. Idk how you can come on here telling people 58M market cap already has their potential priced into the valuation. That tells me you are either a fool, or here with bad intentions.