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05/08/24 11:25 AM

#9295 RE: palaypu0406 #9294

Hello Laxmi. It's been five days since my inquiry wherein you stated,

"my responses are usually instantaneous"

As you've subsequently provided several intent-to-reply dates I appreciate we all are busy, so I'm summarizing my inquiry/posts from May 3, 2024 to assist your concise reply. The objective is to have a clear understanding of the payout(s) status, mitigations, and definitive outlook.

- We're soon to be approaching 6 months to monetization for those who bought in in December 2023
- The money has been "there" for months?
- Is it near a time wherein the regulatory agencies in question are liable to some extent?
- Which "agencies" are involved?
- I'm sure these agencies would have to assume there is a negative impact to business. ...for both receiving parties and to "those" who initiated the funds?
- Mitigating actions being taken?
- Time to reach closure and payout?
- We've been repeatedly told of "issues" without understanding the details and mitigations?
- We're told to be patient without understanding what we're being patient for?

The time to Email the response should be very quick and simple as the response will simply be a statement of facts, not requiring any interpolation.

Links to my relative posts for your convenience: Post# 9283 / Post# 9288

Thank you,