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05/05/24 6:19 PM

#129860 RE: JohnnyBlaze #129859

I truly wonder if you know how many times that, almost verbatim, has been said here in the last 13 yrs. I'm serious. I don't mean that rhetorically, I mean it as literally as can be. The answer, truthfully, is many many times and I'd be very surprised if anyone denied that. It doesn't necessarily mean or prove your wrong, it just illustrates a very human trait. We were told 12 or 13 yrs ago that a sale was imminent and that the company was immediately folding the tech into their own so called Voip services platform and that up to $200 million per year in royalties was about to come forth and so on and so forth, for yrs in the lying, unabashed PRs. That was 13 yrs ago and continued on to 1 degree or another until the present, incl your comment. It's sooo so meaningless... And soooooo worn out. Of course it's ok for the company or the super longs to keep berating it but so not ok for those of us who no longer subscribe to that belief. That is my definition of unfair and unbalanced. I am very fair and balanced. Nothing would be better than for me to be dead wrong, as I would once again make some big bank, for me. 27 yrs of a dud, in many ways, plus a past big time loser like lord emu, plus never any interest aside from digi-phony-ca, Vplm and the few on this board, for something that would literally turn the communications world upside out and inside down, and no sales, no licenses, no settlements, no partnerships and barely over a penny pps, IS ENOUGH FOR ANY REASONABLE PERSON TO POO POO THIS COMPANY AND THE PATENTS. So you see, my hard core determinations are derived indirectly by inference I guess you could say.............but so are atoms and atomic structure.

Putting down, vehemently and almost violently, those who see it same as I or similarly, is very ridiculous and waaay indicitive of the way society has devolved, at least in part.


05/06/24 9:41 AM

#129865 RE: JohnnyBlaze #129859

Get back to me when they get financial judgements that are in-line with the "billions and billions of ongoing" infringements that the CEO has spoken about. If not then it's a complete failure and confirmation that the patents aren't worth near as claimed.