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05/05/24 3:34 PM

#473070 RE: hap0206 #473069

That's when America will go after him, tris on vacation with these trials.


05/05/24 3:42 PM

#473075 RE: hap0206 #473069

Yep, it's certainly igniting a bunch of swing voters that are huge fans of incontinence.....


05/05/24 5:32 PM

#473089 RE: hap0206 #473069

So, you are admitting that your client was justifiably found liable for his past transgressions but the fines are excessive? LOL the 8th amendment was written so they would stop people from being 'drawn and quartered' before their alleged crimes were heard in a court of law.

I personally wouldn't mind if they did that to your boy, but laws are laws and we all have to abide by them.

As far as the fines go, it is the same thing. He had his day in court and got his judgement. Nobody was unjustifiably fining him before his verdict and he was never held on unreasonable bail. The criminal cases, one might argue that he walked free and is still walking free for insurrection, treason and fraud against the United States but I'm not an attorney so I cannot provide any nuance there.

If anyone of us committed the crimes that he's accused of, we'd have been sent to a federal penitentiary a long time ago.. He somehow gets a pass because fucksticks like you voted for him and keep sending him your money to pay for his half assed defense team to challenge the constitution at every turn.

janice shell

05/06/24 2:43 AM

#473171 RE: hap0206 #473069

Amendment 8 -- forbids the use of excessive bails or fines in criminal trials, as well as punishments considered to be “cruel and unusual.”

Your hero considered having to sit in a courtroom for eight hours, with breaks, to be cruel and unusual punishment. Seems they've doped him up to make sure he behaves.