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05/03/24 10:00 AM

#46476 RE: tusambolo #46475

There's the dilution right there in the S1:

Our directors and executive officers beneficially own a significant number of shares of our common stock. Their interests may conflict with our outside stockholders, who may be unable to influence management and exercise control over our business.

As of the date of this Form S-1, our executive officers directors and the original equity investors in ReachOut Technology together beneficially own approximately 87.5% of our shares of common stock through the ownership of Series C Convertible Preferred Stock and the CEO owns 475,000 shares of Series A preferred stock the voting rights for the Series A shares entitles the shareholder to voting rights equal to the number of common shares outstanding 232,977,455 which will always grant the holder a majority voting capability. As a result, our executive officers and directors may be able to: elect or defeat the election of our directors, amend or prevent amendment to our certificates of incorporation or bylaws, effect or prevent a merger, sale of assets or other corporate transaction, and control the outcome of any other matter submitted to the shareholders for vote. Accordingly, our outside stockholders may be unable to influence management and exercise control over our business.

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05/03/24 12:24 PM

#46484 RE: tusambolo #46475

HOLY CRAP...everyone should read this be sure to go over page of oct 31 2023-they were broke as far as cash and operating budgets accumulated deficits exceed $8 MILLION....TRILLIUM is conducting damage control to recoup its losses by issuing 600 million shares and over 949 million outstanding shares in a defunct co that produces nothing but loses...also start at page 30 and continue reading,it gets more depressing especially once you get into the short they are hemorraging money and not bringing in any...well let me rephrase that,money coming in is miniscule compared to whats going out...trillium is really getting the shaft here....