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Dragon Lady

05/02/24 10:52 PM

#90587 RE: tdbowieknife #90585

BINGO mind blower !!

What the hell?? Paul Strickland as receiver?? LMAO!!! Strickland is another penny stock SCAMMER!!


I'm tellin ya tdbowie - YOU CAN'T MAKE THIS SHIT UP.....Brett Rosen Hackspacher is a bonafide real life sociopath CRIMINAL my man...I mean this is below the gutter level kinda crap.....

I don't know much about this ass hat Strickland - give me the dirt when you get the time to post it here, as I'd love to know his connection to Rosen and shitty con tickers.

THIS ....clear as day "was the plan" and is pre-meditated....the dude Rosen-SCUM went on that idiotic Buffalo Dung Fireside scum pump show...he hit X-Twitter damn near daily AND then he brought in notorious penny gutter pumped Basile and "YEAH DUDES - HE'S GOT THE BALL NOW ON RECEIVER and them papers are filed" blah blah blah.....

They had NOTHING as we said all along - not a Post-it note...not a call to the Clerk not "we're working with the OTC folks....NOT "oh dang bros I read them dates wrong and thought we had till July"....sociopath....this is the mind of a truly bent criminal con.....not a damn thing was even close to "true"....and Rosen knew this ALL...knew it and planned it this way.....w/ 100% certainty.....

The dude is a serial con - but damn man, this is sociopath level shit when you think he sits "on camera" and is just plain old committing straight-up fraud and lying and doesn't even flinch other than the sweating profusely from his drug use while slamming booze to counter the jitter high....

Man - this is going to light-off hopefully an indictment finally for this ass clown....his attorney can get his ass dis-barred for jacking around in this shit...Basile is running his name on a BUNCH of gutter tickers....that dude should get his law license yanked like yesterday....

Man - I thought I've seen it ALL....but this one came in from total left field....couldn't believe it AND he's got them dumb asses on Stocktwits pumping this dog crap and watch....THERE WILL BE FOOLS WHO BUY THIS SHIT NOW "thinking" NO EXPERT MARKET CAUSE BRETT IS ON X NOW saying we good....blah blah's mind boggling bad....real bad....!!!