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Dragon Lady

05/02/24 10:33 AM

#9624 RE: RMS555 #9623

LOL !!!

Good Morning Jake.... what are your plans for the share buyback announced multiple times? First you said somewhere that about 20% of royalties will be used to buy back shares, then you said after expenses paid there will be a share buyback.

Please make up your mind and let potential investors know the true plan on share buyback soon!

Yeah - that ole BUYBACK aka STINKY PINKY pump the dog shit 101 for dummies......EVERY stinky pinky and I mean literally ever damn last one I've ever ever ever seen....they ALWAYS..... peddles the ole "buyback" line of dogshit-speak n pump the hype...and I mean EVERY SINGLE ONE OF UM.....ALWAYS w/o FAIL......

This POS has less cash on its balance sheet than my neighbor's kid makes in a month via selling Anime shit on Ebay - and I ain't using hyperbole or even kidding a iota !! your excellent question poses....WTF and HOW THE F will this POS ...."buy back shares" ...when they got less cash-on-hand "on the books" than a decent steak dinner and maybe some wine for a party of 4
....oh oh it the miracle of USING MORE GUTTER DILUTION ....or toxic notes held/dumped n diluted.... BY THE CEO.... using steeply discount-to-face value toxic gutter notes (are their any cashless or similar warrant "kickers & sweetners" involved here too - I haven't gotten that far into the stink on this pile of shit.. "yet" ??) supposedly ..."buyback their own shares" ....Bwaaa ha ha ha ha !!!

Hey while they're at it - EXPLAIN IN GREAT DETAIL (and justify for a .000X per toilet paper share and $80K market cap stinky pinky literal 99.8% TOTAL LOSSES TO COMMON SHARES in under a short approx 1 yr and 3 BILLION DILUTED share printing mill machine) explain that there ole "$12 million guaranteed for perpetuity ole salary" thingy when the balance sheet is CASH BUSTED BROKE...and NO....the bullshit supposed ole.. "receivables" by the ULTRA BULLSHIT ole... "doubtful accounts" ...ole spin-the-bottle bad accounting bag-o-tricks and smoke-n-mirrors funky monkey accounting games ain't gonna pass muster or cut the mustard as we say......:))

This POS is like MULN the redux ticker - only MULN "managed" to get their sorry con ass on to the NASDAQ and is now going into the history books as one of the biggest NASDAQ SCAMS ever allowed to be listed and allowed to stay listed and allowed to continue to's an F-ing disgrace among the bottom gutter Disgrace Card Club Member holders.....

Yeah - LETS HEAR ABOUT THAT THERE OLE PUMP UP "buyback" bullshit - inquiring minds wanna know fa every detail kinda "know"....:))

Dragon Lady

05/02/24 10:48 AM

#9626 RE: RMS555 #9623


Well - looks to me like ole ELON MUSK wasn't too "fond" shall we say of ole Jake eh LOL ????

Account suspended
X suspends accounts which violate the X Rules
It's his "X" account fa sure (well - "former" now suspended account LOL !) - as this dude "Flow Tier Trading" doing extensive deep real due diligence investigating....he busted Jakes' balls prior and had that exact X account "@Jake_P_Noch" linked as a reply to thee Jake Noch aka "CEO" one man show...aka.... this here ticker !!

Well - so he's got "that deleted account" (LMAO!!) "going for him"..I guess... in his lil ole "I'm suing X"... ole SLAPP lawsuit he's all hot to trot out and brag so boldly about now..... Bwaaa ha ha !!!

I'd put bank on it - his subpoenas (which carry about as much weight as a piece of ripped tissue paper) ...I bet Vegas odds they get SHIT CANNED at X before they ever see the sliver of light of a new Elon Musk billionaire's happy fresh coffee AM day !!!

IMO....X will legally SLAP back the living shit out of this kid if you ask me - going to give him about as much "attention" as a whining crying toddler in the corner sucking his thumb with a dirty diaper needing it changed :))