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05/01/24 9:06 AM

#472496 RE: B402 #472494

Well I certainly disagree. In short, Dems weren’t holding up aid to Ukraine. Nuff said.

There are self centered idiots in every aspect of governance and politics. To try to claim that it’s more prevalent in one party or another is, no offense, childish


05/01/24 9:53 AM

#472501 RE: B402 #472494

B402, and banning books is not cancel culture, eh. You two guys are as disingenuous as each other on all of this stuff.

janice shell

05/01/24 4:39 PM

#472527 RE: B402 #472494

Past that, I feel for the Palestinian people, as you do, what dems wont condemn is Hamas, Oct 7 and never mention the hostages...........

And that is just a lie. Everyone condemned the 7 October attack, and Hamas--Bibi's one-time ally--with it. Nobody sees Hamas as the good guys.

But what is Israel's object? to kill everyone in Gaza, man, woman, and child? Because it just never stops. I'm astonished that anyone's left alive.


05/01/24 7:10 PM

#472562 RE: B402 #472494

B402, Yeah, smack the Dems while never smacking Republicans, just more evidence of you independence lie.

"To be political about it and smack the dems a little.......And since we are already on the topic of double standards....
P - Consider any dem cause and their cancel culture and false outrage......Yet it seems the Jews are fair game to them....And all their speech standards go out the window.....
P - Let people say what they will, there should be no speech police, even hate speech if someone feels like being that low........But as usual, in this situation dems want it both ways....Good for me but not thee....
P - Past that, I feel for the Palestinian people, as you do, what dems wont condemn is Hamas, Oct 7 and never mention the hostages...........
P - Its another double standard by the you have said, where were they with Iraq? Crickets

Your 2nd point is misinformation and lies by you too. you lie because your position on cc has been debunked before:

ATT; B402, The Republican Party has become the very cancel culture it pretends to rail against
"The second wave of “cancel culture
"DeSantis faces pushback in Florida as voters tire of war on woke
MAY, 2021
-- "Labeling everything as "woke" is becoming as common and disingenuous (as many don't even know what
it means) a tactic for conservatives as Trump's "fake news." Don't like it? It's fake news. Don't like it? It's woke.
Mar. 17, 2021, at 1:38 PM
Why Attacking ‘Cancel Culture’ And ‘Woke’ People Is Becoming The GOP’s New Political Strategy""

Your "Good for me but not thee.... " i an invalid flip by you.

Your next on Hamas and Dems contains two lies, as you know dems have condemned Hamas and you know dems have mentioned the hostages Hamas holds as leverage. On the other hand you and brooklyn13 do not mention the 9000+ Palestinians held in Israel jails.

Your dems double standard is clearly a lie as to

Your history continued in that post is clear, you toss out baseless assertions
withno substantiating evidence, assertions which worse are clearly false.

To cover all your uninformed points there were mass demonstrations over your conservatives' Iraq war too:

Scope and impact in the United States
A March 2003 Gallup poll conducted during the first few days of the war showed that 5% of the population had protested or made a public opposition against the war compared to 21% who attended a rally or made a public display to support the war.[6] An ABC news poll showed that 2% had attended an anti-war protest and 1% attended a pro-war rally. The protests made 20% more opposed to the war and 7% more supportive.[7] A Fox News poll showed that while 63% had an unfavorable view of the protesters, just 23% had a favorable view.[7] According to Pew Research, 40% said in March 2003 that they had heard "too much" from people opposed to the war against 17% who said "too little".[8]
P - Some observers have noted that the protests against the Iraq War have been relatively small-scale and infrequent compared to protests against the Vietnam War. One of the most often cited factors for this is the lack of conscription.[9][10

In short, you continue to be blatantly dishonest by ignoring all factual information given you.

Your ignorant and patently dishonest trolling here will not be tolerated without further interruption.