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04/26/24 2:09 AM

#68774 RE: Yolo #68773

Defendant Used Offshore Shell Companies in Belize and the West Indies to Perpetrate Numerous Schemes, Including the Manipulation of Cynk Technology Corp (CYNK)
BROOKLYN, N.Y. – Earlier today, Gregg R. Mulholland, a dual U.S. and Canadian citizen and secret owner of Legacy Global Markets S.A. (Legacy), an offshore broker-dealer and investment management company based in Panama City, Panama, and Belize City, Belize, pleaded guilty to money laundering conspiracy for fraudulently manipulating the stocks of more than 40 U.S. publicly-traded companies and then laundering more than $250 million in profits through at least five offshore law firms.

Seeing as he engaged in similar schemes for over 40 companies, maybe you can now understand why he needed puppet CEOs. He didn't want the risk involved with having 40+ co-conspirators, nor would he want to share the profit with 40 other people. Not when he can find someone clueless of his fraud to become CEO and take the fall for free.

Thank you, I-GLOW, for providing context and examples from a similar scheme orchestrated by the Mulholland Group. They were very successful in their schemes, making over $250M in ill-gotten profit, and they were pretty consistent in how they conducted the scam. Obviously all 40+ CEOs were used to further the scam, but it seems clear they were duped and scammed themselves.


04/26/24 7:13 AM

#68775 RE: Yolo #68773

Kindly look up the SEC v. Caledonian complaint you have quoted from excessively. Who is one of the five listed defendants?

Funny how you and i-Glow mention the Caledonian case only when it suits you and when the SEC in the Calendonia case mentions Calasse's fraud in detail, you say it has nothing to do with Calasse and even try to convince everyone that the fraudulent press releases that Calasse wrote and published were actually done by someone else.

You both are pathetic lying hypocrites.

Here's what the SEC said in the Caledonia Bank case concerning Calasse.

If this evidence, that was submitted to the NVSC, isn't proof that Calasse committed fraud, then I don't know what is.

57. On March 5, 2013 i.e., two months after the initial transfer of Goff stock to
Caledonian, Clear Water and Legacy Global- Goff filed a Report on Form 8-K announcing a
change-of-control transaction in which an individual by the name of Warwick Calasse bought all of the stock owned by officers o·Flynn and Corkery for $25,000. O'Flynn and Corkery resigned, and Calasse was appointed in their stead. Calasse was supposedly qualified to be sole officer and director of Goff because, among other things, "[f]rom 2006 to 2010, Mr. Calasse held vairous training and management positions with horse farms and stables in the United Kingdom and Zimbabwe." Goff's corporate headquarters moved from Cork, Ireland to Medellin, Colombia. During the tenure of O'Flynn and Corkery, Goff's filings with the Commission did not evidence any activity, operations or transactions in the job placement ( or any other) business.
58. The next week, on March 12, 2013, Goff filed a Reporimt on Form 8-K announcing a
significant change in business: the company's newly created Nevada shell corporation, Golden Glory Resources Inc. ("Golden Glory Nevada") had entered into an Assignment Agreement with Golden Glory Resources S.A., a Panamanian corporation ("Golden Glory Panama"), by which Golden Glory Nevada "acquired an option to purchase a 100% interest in and to a certain Columbian mining concession known as La Frontera (The Frontier) Project, code number LGC-
15011, located in the Aquales region, Cal des Department, Republic of Colombia." The Report Fonn 8-K represented that "we have abandoned our former business plan and entered the business of mineral exploration and are now an exploration stage mining company engaged in the identification, acquisition and exploitation of metals and minerals with a focus on gold and diamond mineralization on La Frontera Property."
59. Beginning three days after its change of business, Goff issued a series of press
releases creating the public impression that it was immediately and actively engaged in gold and diamond exploration in Colombia. For example:
• On March 15, 2013, a Goff press release, entitled "Goff Corp. Subsidiary Golden
Glory Resources Acquires 100 Percent Interest in the La Frontera Gold Project in
Colombia's Hottest Gold Exploration Region," represented that "[a]pproximately two-thirds of Colombian gold production has been from placer deposits in the Department of Antioquia, which is immediacy [sic] adjacent to and straddles about 30% of the leases where Golden Glory's La Frontera Project is located." Goff stated that "this project is seen to be on the order of six times as large as notable prospects with similar gold type and potential."
• On March 18, 2013, Goff issued a press release entitled "Goff Corporation Has
Appointed Experienced Colombian Mining and Explosives Expert Manuel Hernando Serna as a Director of the Board."
• On March 22, 2013, Goff announced that "Golden Glory Resources expects to pursue its exploration program that will employ leading geological consultants and their own geological staff to carry out the program .... This first phase exploration is anticipated within 90 days." On March 25, 2013, Goff represented that Golden Glory Resources "plans to begin a 5,000-rneter diamond drilling program on its La Frontera Gold Project in Department of Caldes, Colombia within 90 days .. ,
• In a press_release on March 26, 2013, Goff's sole officer and director, Calasse,
stated that"he expects gold's current price level will help fuel the company's
efforts to target a bulk tonnage, low-grade type gold and silver project on Golden
Glory's leases, and that the time is right for gold in Columbia." Calasse further
stated that "[w]e will be the first [on the Project] to explore using the full range of
modem gold and silver discovery methods."
• On March 27, 2013, Goff related that "Golden Glory Resources is developing a
comprehensive exploration program for its La Frontera Gold Project in Colombia; Phase One groundwork will provide basis for follow-on planned diamond drilling."
60. Bolstering the Goff press releases was a newsletter posted on April 2, 2013 on a
stock-touting website by the name of Penny Stock Pillager, which stated: "After years of tunnoil, the Colombian government is stepping in to help legitimate mining companies pull gold from their resource-rich soil. By grabbing a plot of land directly in the Colombian gold sector, investors in Goff Corporation could be on the verge of true wealth!" (emphasis original)
61. The representations of Goff and Penny Stock Pillager were never supported by
audited financial statements evidencing true wealth, gold mining interests, or diamond drilling.
On or before March 18, 2013, Goff was required to filed a "super" Report on Form 8-K that included all of the information required in a Report on Form 10. The company did not file such a Report on Fonn 8-K on March 18 or any time thereafter. Goff stopped filing Reports on Forms 10-K and 10-Q at all times after March 18, 2013.
62. There is no trading data available for Goff on March 14, 2013, the day before the
company's March 15 press release announcing its mining interest in "Colombia's hottest gold exploration region."
On March 18, the first trading day after the release, Goff stock spiked to a closing price of $0.28 per share on a volume of 263,914,096 shares. On April 5, Goff stock at a high of$0.58 per share on a volume of:22,003,500 shares. By June 4, 2013, Goff stock had fallen to a price of $0.01 per share.
63. Simultaneously with the Goff stock promotion, Caledonian, Clear Water, Legacy
Global and Verdrnont sold the stock into the public markets. Theirs were the first sales of the stock to the public. Caledonian Bank sold 35,000,000 shares of Goff stock for proceeds of $6,860,685; Clear Water sold 25,000,000 shares for proceeds of $4,226,689; Legacy Global sold 21,750,000 shares for proceeds of$3,293,816; and Verdmont sold 14,000,000 shares for of $3,526,354. Verdmont sold for the account of customers and received commissions on the sales. Caledonian Bank and Caledonian Securities have represented through counsel that sold for the account of customers and received commissions on the sales.
64. These sales of 95,750,000 shares of Goff stock generated proceeds of $17,907,546.
In making these distributions, the Defendants violated Section 5 of the Securities Act. There was no registration statement in effect for the Defendants' offers and sales of Goff securities. And 1hr, Defendants used the instruments and means of interstate commerce in offering and selling Goff securities.

61. The representations of Goff and Penny Stock Pillager were never supported by
audited financial statements evidencing true wealth, gold mining interests, or diamond drilling. On or before March 18, 2013, Goff was required to filed a "super" Report on Form 8-K that included all of the information required in a Report on Form 10. The company did not file such a Report on Fonn 8-K on March 18 or any time thereafter. Goff stopped filing Reports on Forms 10-K and 10-Q at all times after March 18, 2013.

62. Calasse not only wrote fraudulent press releases, somehow managed to get "no trading data for Goff on March 14, 2013, the day before the company's March 15 press release" and also abandoned the company directly after the pump and dump. I'm sure the NVSC won't look to kindly on that type of behavior from Calasse.