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04/25/24 11:00 PM

#13657 RE: Mojocash #13656

From Yesterday. Got something else other than cherry picked or Biden is done.

Biden gains on Trump in series of polls

President Biden is gaining on former President Trump in a series of polls, tying Trump in the race in a Quinnipiac poll released Wednesday and providing a sense of momentum to his campaign

The president cited a Marist poll released Monday that showed him leading Trump by 3 percentage points nationally, and by 6 points when looking specifically at those who said they definitely plan to vote in November.

I personally not big on polls but you magats seem to be. It seems that all small elections are going Democratic and thinking the women vote might be under estimated that being against Orange Jesus who brags being responsible for the situation.


04/25/24 11:26 PM

#13663 RE: Mojocash #13656

3% inflation wiping out the middle class? Who in TF are you kidding with that hyperbolic crap?

More people are working with wage increases above inflation so, no, no wipe out.

'Wipe out' is the Great Depression and the Great Recession. Now why in TF did both of those occur under GOP administrations?

Rigid, stubborn, economic ideology is why. Same trickle down tax cut shit, AND spend like drunken sailors, that you Trumpanzees continue to believe in.