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04/24/24 10:22 AM

#13346 RE: Nazirite #13343

lol I love reading the musings of uneducated dumbasses tryin' to conjecture their way into scientific understanding... Because you sound like you rode the short bus as a kid lol.

Keep em coming, because I need the entertainment this morning. ;-))
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04/24/24 10:48 AM

#13356 RE: Nazirite #13343

Yes. The DAMAGE from the JABS is as some forewarned early on while the jabs were being forced on us by the likes of fauci, birx, fda, cdc and of course, who..

Those folks warning early on were smeared, censored, threatened to be silent about what they were seeing.

As a volunteer EMT, EMS units were told to get jabbed. I warned my fellow volunteers to not fall for the MASKS WORK LIES, the VAX LIES, and not to take the jab. Some took many of them, some took just a couple, I took none. Why? Cause I was paying attention to how they got 'approved'... And it should have never happened the way it did. Which is why I started calling the fda the fed DEATH agency (same time they were LYING about ivermectin and hydroxy (which the fda has since recanted their warnings/lies)

Yep, the fallout from the shots is yet to be determined. But the scary part for anyone that took more than one, should be the revelation of the spiking rates in cancers that seem to be accelerated due to the jabs.

And just read a snippet a day or so ago, where MODERNA admitted that whats in their jab could lead to cancers.. Now how in the hell did that happen?? And of course, given how the whole covid thing went down around the world in what appeared to be a coordinated effort?? One has to be asking, what this intentional with regard to the make up of the jabs themselves.

And can't forget, reportedly, CONGRESS and certain FED employees were EXEMPTED from the FORCED JABS or you will be fired mandates they pushed on the rest..