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04/20/24 1:00 PM

#12616 RE: timberwolf7 #12606

"Did YOU go to his INSTAGRAM account which is reportedly still 'active' and see for yourself??"....

Yes, I did, but it's clear you didn't and rely on idiots like Laura Loomer to do your thinking. I've also read his manifesto. As I said before, he was a disturbed person who hated all government and crypto .
He was at the Trump trial as that had intense media activity and knew he'd get coverage.

"By the way, did you see the press conference out of someplace in MD where a transperson killed someone, "......

No, and I really don't care what kind of person commits a murder.
Murder is murder. Dead is dead.

Have you always been this stupid, or is that a result of drinking trumps kool-aide/piss.