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04/20/24 8:10 AM

#111019 RE: The_Gman #111007

I didn’t say delisting was a negative impact.
But what I will say it’s more than likely due to the fact that NioCorp has created extra charges coming from the TSX because of their sloppy reporting practices. Because the lower the CapEx the less you pay.
Sucks to be out of compliance.
And it also sucks to have consequences for being sloppy, and have to Pay the Piper,
It costs money to create a safe place for investors to invest their hard-earned money.

Keep in mind these guys get paid big bucks to be professional and not make costly mistakes
Also where is the promotion to expand the shareholder base in Canada? Is it easier to disregard a whole country rather than do your job to promote the Company as Canadian (temporary)
Before there was NASDAQ the TSX had 90+ percent of all trades. LoL
And because of NASDAQ we’ve lost untold millions in cash and investor share value.

Also, Please don’t do the turn around and ask a question to answer a question.
I asked you about the share price falling while we are waiting for EXIM and Stellantis. If you don’t have that answer that’s fine. Because your question to me suggest that I don’t think those two deals will happen. And that’s definitely not the case.

I appreciate the mile long post and I did read it all.
I also don't want to take the wind out of Walters weekend, so I will now bow out of this thread.

Thanks for the reply.


04/20/24 12:39 PM

#111026 RE: The_Gman #111007

Gman, I don't think you should refrain from posting just because there are a handful of nasty foul mouthed posters but can understand why you would be reluctant to post. This small group drove many of our European friends, Richard Thomas, chico, stark, grunt, boilermaker, Antler, Johanna and so many other great people, too many others off of this once great message board with their personal attacks. So much that I tried to start a new competing NB IHUB message board under the NB:TSX symbol along with stark but folks voted it down. And Richard started a Reddit NioCorp message board because he couldn't great voices with great information being trounced. I'm still here. They tried to push me off too so they could take over with their disinformation campaign and be kings of the cesspool that they so desperately wanted to create. Ain't gonna happen and if they attack, they're going to be attacked right back. I still believe we are going to get to a place where people feel safe to post and bring lost voices back to the message board but it will take strong voices to create that safe place to post. You are a strong voice and there are so many others out there who should or could learn to be stronger and post anyway. Don't let the crazies win try as they may. I invite you and others to get your super armor on and post anyways. We will get there!