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04/18/24 8:30 PM

#65939 RE: delerious1 #65924

Because no one gives away that much market cap to a bunch of stink pink players. 2B float shares get half of the $7B Company? No way.
$7B into 4B shares?
You do understand at that point, shareholders of the O/S own the Company?
$1.75 per share? That's doable, but how could they give that much assest value up?
I wouldn't. I'm adding as if it's a necessary action.
I do think 1000 is too high, but a few 100:1 might be more in line. No one will trade $1,750 share stock. But a 1000:1 cleans out the parasites holding today then a few F/S to reward the true JFH investors as time goes on.

As for this being a micro penny stock for ever? Ignorant
No one is here for today, we are so far down the road with this play. 18 months minimum is where my sights are set.
Fall of 2025 if things don't go tits up.