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04/18/24 3:42 PM

#470662 RE: brooklyn13 #470659

brooklyn13, Your mindless repetition of a position making no sense to any other around is silly. It is invalid no matter how much you repeat it. And you make mindless totally unjustified assertions like "but don't really have any ideas about what they should be doing instead." You ignore what Barak has said:

Related: Ehud Barak: the military mastermind Israel loves to hate
[...]Israel's yearning for experienced military leaders brought him back to political life after the 2006 Lebanon war and he became minister of defence. He seems to have a feel for what motivates his enemies and was widely quoted as saying: "If I were a Palestinian I would have joined a terrorist organisation." Barak also stated during a US television interview last year that he would "probably" strive for nuclear weapons if he were in Iran's position.

You ignore the fact i and others here have clearly put our positions that Israel's 50 year agenda to deny a Palestinian state can only be a guarantee to continued war.

Further, while we deal directly with what you say, you totally ignore the substance of our positions. And you make statements which are totally false, as that one above.

"Well, to each their own. Atrocities of the past give context to what happens in wars, which Hamas might have considered before they started this one. You're another one of those armchair generals who don't like what Israel's doing but don't really have any ideas about what they should be doing instead. So, you call names and project your own lack of imagination onto others, by calling them tiresome. Because thart requires you to think, when you'd rather just re-post long articles from 5 months ago.
P - I wrote that I think there's an opportunity for Gazans and Israelis to work together to get rid of Hamas and continue an alliance into peacetime. You find that tiresome? Do tell what your ideas are.
P - From my point of view, you're a guy living comfortably in denial in a country that Human Rights Watch currently considers an apartheid state. And yet somehow you feel you have purchase to chastise other countries about how they should treat their own minorities. Charity begins at home.
P - Let us know when you get Hamas to agree to a ceasefire, ok?

I have clearly said Netanyahu saying one of his chief war aims was to be rid of Hamas was silly from the start. Your thinking Gazans want to get rid of Hamas is a fantasy. They don't. And Israel never will. That is one more of our ideas you claim you have never been given.

Also you have been told before you lie when you say Human Rights Watch considers Australia an apartheid state. Provide a link which says that. You haven't because you can't.

You ignore. You fantasize. You misrepresent. You are alone. And you are looking sillier as every day passes.