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04/17/24 1:25 PM

#402408 RE: farrell90 #402407

Didn’t IpIx already sell/lose the rights to kevetrin? Or I’m not recalling correctly?

Either way, I just noticed today that Schwab no longer accepts buy orders on IPiX. Sell only.


04/17/24 3:10 PM

#402417 RE: farrell90 #402407

That was a great article you posted; thanks much

I hope that if the day ever comes when K and B may prove to be the drugs we have expected them to be that we will still be around to enjoy some of the fruits of having owned it when it started.

Wish we had someone like you directing the path for IPIX instead of a bean counter.


04/18/24 9:07 AM

#402427 RE: farrell90 #402407

"Below is a study of a Kevetrin modification which reportedly increase its effectiveness 100X."

"In the present study, we designed and synthesized a novel analog (compound 900) of Kevetrin"

"Drug analogs, also known as structural analogs and chemical analogs, are compounds that have a structure similar to another compound but differ from it in certain components, such as functional groups or substructures."

Is it proper to call the designed novel analog compound 900 "a Kevetrin modification" when it's actually a compound that has structure similar to Kevetrin but differs from it? If compound 900 was to be approved someday the approved compound would be described by its own structure and without language describing it as a Kevetrin modification, correct?

If this is true....
"The new analog 900 is >100 fold more potent than Kevetrin and holds great promise to be developed further for ovarian and other mechanistically relevant cancers"
.....then this may not be a reasonable belief:
"I do not believe the Kevetrin story is over"

IPIX has already raised the white flag over its kevetrin development. Obviously the drug itself hasn't disappeared but its benefit to IPIX investors, such as it was, seems to be history.