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04/17/24 1:06 PM

#470559 RE: brooklyn13 #470558

Occasionally your posts start out well, then near the end, always return to your defensive one dimensional hypocrisy. That's too bad. You constantly set up a negative response, as if that is the plan. Is it?

And zab was writing about his children's children. Reading comprehension much yourself?
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04/17/24 2:25 PM

#470564 RE: brooklyn13 #470558

Gee, if life was always simple, but then where would you be able to have an opinion. Since Israel has been killing the people of Palestine, did I spell that one correctly, I doubt that they have warm feelings for them. Besides Israel has a history of punishing them, taking their land, and just putting them in prison by the 1000s.

Maybe the people of Palestine would like to have some input on this issue, or do you enjoy telling everyone else what they should believe and do. Maybe they might want to point out that Netanyahu is their enemy, you know slaughtering all of those Palestine population.

So you stop talking to your children when they grow up, my daughter has already attended many protests against Israel, does that make you feel better. I tried to explain to her all of the atrocities. Her opinion, so that gives Israel the right to slaughter all of those children. I was just trying give her some balance in this century's old argument about the middle east. But even then, it is quite difficult subject.

Once again, no one gives a shit what you believe, no one cares. You keep posting your holier than thou post. No country is without sin shit, gee welcome to the conversation of why I still have discussions with my children. My daughter has deep thoughts, some days my son doesn't give a shit, until one of his children asks.