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04/17/24 12:41 PM

#129419 RE: JohnnyBlaze #129417

Don't hold your breath. We've heard that same cheap talk for years with no results which only confirms that the patents aren't worth near as claimed by the CEO.
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04/17/24 3:14 PM

#129420 RE: JohnnyBlaze #129417

I thought to myself, oh, this must be another clueless newbie who likes to jump on a bandwagon and mindlessly preach "patience"......which is a ridiculous and now negative word when spoken in the context of Vplm.... Add to that, I've been a shareholder for 13 or 14 yrs. But then I saw that you've been around almost as long as me, yet you still use that patience word, same as lord emu of eGipped, and it's your whole bag of reason, nothing to validate it or back it up, just what vplm has turned into a truly dirty word, ie, patience.

The fact that you obviously see no timelines or boundaries when defining the practicality of patience, I find amazing and it serves to bolster my belief that those who still cling to it after 27 yrs of failure of this company, are deeply entrenched in mass hypnosis, required to believe in patience for ever and ever into infinity. I know, I know.......theres a "process". Lemme say this about that..... Any so called process that takes that long, and with no real solid end in sight, is not a process, it's an illilusion.

And if you've ever read my overarching explanations for the pathology of why I believe the patents are worthless, then you'd know that above remarks are only symptomatic or part of the residual effects of a well thought out, planned out and superbly executed plan by the emu. You'd see the simple elegant reasoning that nothing.....repeat, NOTHING in this world could have the value and the power been assigned to the patents by Vplm (by the way, did you know that around 5 yrs ago, maybe more, lord emu, with his new and improved, yet still conservative, lolol, damages calculations, based on a far more cohesive set of metrics, was up to approx $102,000,000,000, yes, billions, and that was only for approx 5 of the alleged infringers. I have the documentation of that if you'd like to see it).

Point being that it is 100% against human nature and all common sense, that any of the big dogs that could afford, regardless of purchase, license or settlement......HAVE NOT done so, opting instead (according to the beliebers way of thinking) to sit and wait, as a sitting duck, for the incoming misses and bombs, with THEIR name painted on the side, come screaming in from above to do to them what you see daily now on TV with the "precision bombs".........but wait.....that's not all......they also are saying loudly that they couldn't care less that they are allowing any one of their competitors to swoop in and buy the patents out from under them which could (but won't) happen at ANY moment for who knows how many years past or future. That is simply TOO DUMB on multiple levels, so even if there was some ceo dumb enough to go that route, it's utterly impossible that ALL the deep pocketed voip service providers could think THE SAME WAY, as tho being members of the borg collective, who all share the same thought. Then, to that, you could also add the fact that by not jumping in and taking advantage of such an absolutely priceless treasure, that they are cutting their nose to spite their face.

Never in the history of mankind, is there such a case that resembles above scenario. Never has, never will. Maybe a couple in a far smaller value bracket, like hundreds of millions or even a few billion, but certainly not one that easily could be demonstrated to be worth upwards of a trillion dollars, considering the number of voip service providers in the wild and the fact that vplm clearly stated, years ago, that EVERY SINGLE VOIP SERVICE PROVIDER IS AN INFRINGER.

So, enjoy your patience...and make sure you have a large, years more long, supply.
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04/17/24 5:03 PM

#129422 RE: JohnnyBlaze #129417

Fighting the big corps is a fight that can be won, it just takes lots of time and money.