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Real McCoy

04/17/24 8:45 AM

#143338 RE: moola26 #143337

Your shares are dead due to liquidation back in ‘18 with nothing since.

But yeah you’re holding. No other option.

Just to state the obvious- “posting” is not evidence the liquidation 6 years ago isn’t true.


04/17/24 9:37 AM

#143346 RE: moola26 #143337

How many years has it been since there has been any communication from the management of any company.

The Clown College is led by those that post everyday using articles going back to 2014 - 2018. That believes there is a Billion dollar payout to the Common Shareholders.

That is one definition of insanity doing the same thing over and over and expecting different result.

Such as ignoring Bankruptcy Laws such as the hierarchy of who gets paid.

You don't seem to understand that if the secured and unsecured creditors are impaired by Law the Equity Holders are also impaired.

But the true believers - think this is special and the Common Shareholders will be made whole and the secured creditors will be impaired.

That would be illegal and the secured creditors would file a lawsuit to stop the Big payout for the Common Shareholders.

But, most understand that those posting about a Big payout are clueless about Q stocks.

I have followed many Q stocks and I have never seen the common shareholders receive anything but disappointment.

Actually the insanity of the true believers is fun to watch.