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04/16/24 7:37 PM

#51022 RE: Boiler_Master #51021

Some peeps are honest in their opinions. Not all are pumpers. We all know that run to .38 was manipulation to sell the million shares. And we are still looking at an option with a lowest buy in at .11 or .157 before their discount. Which obviously they are not interested in buying high as you have stated since they have had plenty of chances to do that. So what is left wait for the drop. Let's just face the facts.


04/16/24 7:37 PM

#51023 RE: Boiler_Master #51021



04/16/24 9:07 PM

#51025 RE: Boiler_Master #51021

I’m down 50 k what the hell are you talking
17k since Friday lmao!! 🤣 lost 20k today on this pos and 28 k Monday!! Make a video on that and how great the company is when the lame ass margins can’t even cover there debt let alone operating expenses!! Heading for a brutal dilution road but go ahead and pump it up again as that’s all you are is a paid pumper !! Bum


04/17/24 3:32 AM

#51027 RE: Boiler_Master #51021

Boiler "And if I look at ihub, you've made 30 posts all negative about the stock since Saturday." When I read your post I better understand why your views on IQST seem to be so far off from reality in my view. I have counted my posts in the time frame you mention and I arrive at a number that is less than 50% of your number.

"You're basically flooding the board with negative, which discourages buying and potentially influences more people to sell pushing the price lower and costing you even more than the $17,094 you claim to already be down since Friday. Why would you want to do that?"

It is a fairly gross exaggeration that I have been flooding the board with posts in the time frame you refer to, I find a total of 69 posts and as far as I can see I have posted about 16% of them. If you check you will see that the vast majority of them are in replies to posts I disagree with. These are mostly posts by people who are very optimistic about the prospects of this stock but who seem to lack the intellectual capacity to adduce reasoned arguments supporting their optimism. Since those who disagree with me represent the overwhelming majority of posts my 16% of posts create a somewhat better balance between optimists and pessimists.

I have posted on Ihub for more than 20 years. Time and again I have read that posters think the Ihub boards have little effect on the stock price of the stocks that are discussed. But of course this varies a bit. If my posts are marred by weak arguments I would assume that they have little effect on the stock price. If my arguments are cogent I would assume they have more effect on the stock price. But if that is the case I would think those who read this board deserve the chance to read my points of view. My guess is that Ihub has not that much effect on the pps. One reason for thinking so is that Stocktwits seems to be a more active board regarding IQST. You are yourself posting on that board. There are few negative posts on that active board.

Why is the pps down sharply in a few days? I think the reason explaining it is more or less the same reason that caused the pps to drop very sharply after I bought a substantial number of shares a few months ago: fear of more dilution. I read a post suggesting that the number of shares that will function as collateral for a fairly short-term loan (35 million shares if my memory does not fail me) was higher now than what was published some months ago. I also seem to remember that you yourself suggested that there was no change. Was that correct?

My general intention with my posts is to contribute to shed light on the postive and negative factors that can be expected to affect the future stock price. Since most posters post to try to influence the stock price upwards for their own benefit there is usually little need to post things that are bullish. But there is often a need to post bearish points of view. Thus my view is that I play a useful role when I post bearish points of view. If my points of view have flimsy underpinnings it should be easy for bulls to sap my arguments.

I hope that I possess some modicum of integrity. If you only trust self-serving justification for my mostly bearish posts here I will mention is that my posts ought to be a challenge for the bulls. It is useful for me in my investment decisions to see if the bullish shareholders are able to point out grave fallacies in my reasoning.


04/17/24 8:42 AM

#51028 RE: Boiler_Master #51021

It's simple why he (or anyone like him) is always negative - it's one of 2 reasons:
1) He's dumb. Kind of like a parent constantly telling their kid "god you're ugly" as they try to raise them...
2) Wolf in Sheep's cloth. He doesn't own any shares and is here merely to dissuade people from this stock or is working with a stock group to push the price down.

Either way, NO investor who owns stock in a company is going to continuously bash their own investment. Yes there may be times when they question the stock or management, but to continuously do this demonstrates either 1 or 2 above.

He said: " It is useful for me in my investment decisions to see if the bullish shareholders are able to point out grave fallacies in my reasoning."

This isn't a fallacy, but rather a suggestion - you are shooting yourself in your own foot at every turn if you feel that other investors do NOT turn to IHUB and other boards to see where people are leaning on a stock - they do. Even Big Board company investment houses look to the market and public opinion to see how people view a product/software/etc. because if people do not like something, it will not do well, and if it does not do well, the company does not do's all tied together.

This person doesn't realize that all investors here who own this stock are in the same boat, so listening to their incessant whining about the ups/downs of the SP is fruitless drivel to these current investors and only serves to dissuade or convince others to sell/buy. Any person who continuously persists in negative chatter must feel they are sharing some breaking news to the rest of us - they are not.

Best to all TRUE Longs