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04/16/24 8:24 PM

#7940 RE: Master-of-Disaster #7938


So do you think the AI, quantum computing, loyalty, vending coffee machines could be an entry point for a higher intelligence from the Moon?

And god knows where they came from..

Would explain they getting 'excited' about their loyalty program?

In all honesty who the F*#K could launch a royalty program for coffee vending machines as a PR and build it with tweets the week before?

It must be an alien invasion hence the AI that serves diluted coffee that tastes like u have been F*#KED.

Does that mean you, as part of the loyalty extravaganza are one of them?

And next I'll be on the loyalty program, getting my brain wiped so I end up buying stocks in CBIA and drinking diluted coffee all day?

Tune in next week where the final murder of the shareholders takes place.