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Dragon Lady

04/12/24 10:38 AM

#90503 RE: tdbowieknife #90502

Bingo !!

What the Heck?? Yeah, I don't get it. How is that supposed to help? Isn't it Brett and his Attorney that is holding this up by not petitioning the court with a receiver to be reviewed? Bretts Attorney has got to know that it can't be Brett Rosen as receiver.

Yeah - this one stinks and stinks BAD as to the pure amount of gutter lies pumped n promoted by Rosen. It's beyond the pale.

1) A receiver is not "quick and easy". It's slow, it's expensive and the receiver can NOT have ANY relation to Rosen AND can not "favor Rosen" in any way.

2) Rosen has fomented a 100% false narrative - aka LIES that "Wham bamm, like in a few weeks I WILL BE CEO FOR SURE and then BOOM a few weeks after that I just MERGER THIS $BILLION buck company into OPTI the shell wham bamm thank you maam you alls gets rich n shit - let me do another line and slam some scotch on live YouBoob" blah blah

3) Rosen LIES that, "Hey bros - the receiver just sticks me in as CEO and it's a done deal" aka BULLSHIT !!! OPTI as YOU have pointed out and posted here for months with the facts - has a ton of LEGAL JUDGMENTS AGAINST IT aka CREDITORS OWED and Rosen-SCUM never ever ever ever ONCE has explained how a "Receivership" just blows them off and ONLY FOCUSES ON ROSEN which ain't gonna be the case !!

4) FIRST THING THE RECEIVER (IF one is ever even appointed) MUST DO PER COURT LEGALITIES - is notify EVERY CREDITOR WITH A CLAIM and ANY INTERESTED PARTY WITH A CLAIM and sort through that massive pile of bullshit and "put them in line and rank them" as to WHO is likely to be paid-back first, second, third etc via ANY remaining assets of OPTI-CRIME.

5) 4 and 5 could be reversed - as really FIRST STEP is for the receiver to FIND ALL FINANCIALS + bank accounts + any hidden assets + anything else of "value" of OPTI in order to CARVE IT UP and distribute it to those holding judgment creditor "claims" of which there are MANY already "in line waiting" in the case of OPTI-CRIME.

THAT is the short bus list of ROSEN-SCUM LIES and fraud perpetuated by this OTC penny hack gutter toxic lender Rosen and "WHAM BAMM DUDES - this is a slam dunk and I bes the CEO and thens this magic $BILLION buck company wants a shitty busted out BK lawsuit riddles shell easy-peasy a few weeks and maybe a month and dunss deal" it's an epic LIE-FEST !!

Rosen PUMPED OPTI MASSIVELY USING THE ABOVE FRAUD NARRATIVE - and he's been unloading into that pump I will 100% GUARANTEE - the "RECEIVERSHIP" is a bullshit smoke screen for Rosen + Pawson who "worked together for years" on this scam - so they can UNLOAD ONE LAST TIME and make nothing but bank......

They likely shorted this shit during the massive pump and are using ill gotten .00X shares way the hell down here to cover and double-end their pump shares they scooped up at 1/10th what Rosen was able to pump this in the past few months using the "REVERSE MERGER IS IMMINENT" of the oldest and well known criminal cons that OTC grifters use...Oh and peppered with "NASDAQ UP-LIST WILL BE IMMINENT like easy in say 12 months" blah blah....ALWAYS (Just like INND aka INNER-FRAUD) ALWAYS gotta pepper-in the "NASDAQ SOON" criminal fraud pump-speak bullshit !!

I think we see EXPERT MARKET NO LATER THAN MAY 1, 2024.....10 TRADING DAYS BASICALLY w/ 100% certainty and this .0000X per share in a blink as this epic POS goes more ill-liquid than a sack of quick-crete hosed down on a hot summer San Diego Rosen-SCUM day.... and now THE COURT is likely to "shelve" this "Receiver BS" when the judge and his clerk are NOTIFIED TODAY and sent "the links" showing an organized harassment campaign to smear him and "use him" to manipulate a penny stock scam share price.....

Rosen...his pump "crews" and jack ass promoters (non disclosing promoters no less !!) are making the judge and his court the supposed "cause" as to WHY OPTI DIDN'T GO BIG CAUSE OLE BRETT IS A PRO BUT THAT DAMN JUDGE IS FUBARING US so so so HARASS THAT JUDGE AND DEMAND HE GET OFF HIS ASS AND ACT - this is criminal...not just civil violations but 100% criminal at this point now......not even a doubt....!!!


04/12/24 10:42 AM

#90504 RE: tdbowieknife #90502

dragon is crazy