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04/11/24 10:43 PM

#469898 RE: hap0206 #469894

wow, that's a lot of words to spew to try to make no sense. Can you explain what you meant for us or is it better if I just translate it?

Net, ona (inflyatsiya) pryamo zdes', v SSHA, politika Baydena sokrashchayet ispol'zovaniye iskopayemogo topliva, tratit milliardy dollarov na al'ternativnuyu energetiku/elektromobili, otkryvayet granitsu s Meksikoy, uvelichivayet nalogi, Tramp, treniruyet detskuyu drel', dva otmenennykh ukaza dlya vsekh predlozhil postroit' stenu, NATO zaplatit za bezopasnost' ot Rossii, iskusstvennoye global'noye potepleniye - obman i tak daleye - sem' mesyatsev, yesli vy ne posadite yego v tyur'mu

oh, I see now......
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04/11/24 11:10 PM

#469900 RE: hap0206 #469894

No, fossil fuel production is at an all time high. Higher than under Trump. Trump will be in court too often to campaign effectively and his big mouth, and failing memory, will continue to get him in trouble both with judges and with the electorate.

Your alt-reality beliefs may be comforting to you but they are laughable to us.
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04/12/24 5:23 PM

#470019 RE: hap0206 #469894

You're just a one stupid "happy fellow".

Lying, stupid, unAmerican punk.

F*ck you. And f*ck your f*cking man-crush.