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04/11/24 10:53 AM

#59330 RE: BBANBOB #59329

......dunno what SERGIO would do if you were his counsel, BAMBOO...........or if there are any tall buildings in Zurich..............

......numerous legal undercurrents (defendant class add-backs, case itself remanded on a legal technicality, ANTITRUST tag could be removed, even if suit stands, etc)............

.......settling, however and/or whenever, is the BEST ADVICE, bamboo..........but when.....???..........UBS ain't gonna prevail, even if on a remand......I would recommend throwing out anything to get a response from marty gruenberg, or his counsel, to smoke out the FDIC's position......FDIC might not want to settle, EVER, no matter..........using ALTRUISM and wants a jury of little people to slam UBS...........?????...............

....also, the BERNIE MADOFF trustee/cusodian, Irving Picard has entered a request to 'enjoin' on our decision as a relator...???.....meaning Madoff is gonna sit at the end of the line.......????......a little peculiar, but whatever.............then LAR LAR's case and our two..............

.............maybe SERGIO should hire you as counsel, BAMBOO...................might cost him $50-billies..........(wink wink, bamboo)...........aimho..........
