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04/10/24 4:30 PM

#68675 RE: Hi_Lo #68671

Why do post false and misleading information?

"That's not true. The SEC names Calasse as the person who authored and published the fraudulent GOFF press releases."

The SEC never filed a complaint against Calasse. The SEC made Sharp return the stock to Calasse that he tried to steal from Calasse. Odd you didn't post a link to where Calasse was charged with fraud - as always you are carrying water for Sharp. Stop being a leg rider and think for yourself.



04/10/24 6:22 PM

#68681 RE: Hi_Lo #68671

Well, someone claiming to be Calasse made those press releases.

That's not true. The SEC names Calasse as the person who authored and published the fraudulent GOFF press releases.

I'm not sure why you think you've made a brilliant point here. I said that someone claiming to be Calasse made the press releases. My point is that the same people that prepared all of the paperwork and filed everything on behalf of Calasse could have easily published press releases in his name.

The SEC only mentions Calasse 6 times in the amended complaint. Four times in section 57, twice in section 59, which is where it mentions that "In a press release on March 26, 2013, Goff's sole officer and director, Calasse, stated [...]." The SEC is just stating the basic fact that a press release was issued in his name, and quoted from the press release. As Calasse was the sole officer, he was the only one authorized to speak for Goff.

However, that doesn't mean that he was personally involved, we simply don't know. To me, it seems obvious that the scam artists behind the series of penny stock promotions were the ones driving the pump and dump, including the fraudulent press releases.

Remember, there were four companies named in this complaint (Swingplane, Goff, Norstra, and Xumanii), and all issued a string of press releases in combination with promotional newsletters sent by penny stock promoters hyping the stocks. You can blame the individual CEO's, but the overall pattern is pretty clear.

I'll also note that you're quoting from a complaint filed by the SEC, not the decision issued by the judge after the trial. None of the decisions issued by the judge mention Calasse or any of the other CEO's by name, anywhere. It's a bit disingenuous to treat that as gospel; it would be like quoting Sharp claiming that Calasse doesn't exist as definitive proof that he doesn't exist.