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04/08/24 8:17 PM

#129224 RE: VVVVVV #129223

VVVVV…and not only 36 IPR wins but also came out of ex-party re-exam on RBR with many new claims, I think it was 8, which made the RBR patents stronger than before the re-exam. Talk about backfiring on the defendants. MG patent currently in re-exam and believe the same result is possible.

The more we know…
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04/08/24 11:01 PM

#129225 RE: VVVVVV #129223

There it is.....exacy what I was talking about.... arrogant nerve whereby you think you possess the knowlege and ability to tell me I can't process. Same old insult you've tried to lay on countless ppl here, with your smarter than thou personality issue, to put it nicely. You've said the same thing so many times to so many ppl, can't even begin to put a number on it. It's THAT MANY! And if anyone doesn't believe that, all they have to do is check your history. On the contrary, I process quite well. I've taken 3 IQ test over my lifetime and while I won't quote any numbers, I will say that one of them mentions that my top ability lies in processing. To be honest, I really didn't even know exactly what they meant by that but I just find it ironic that you would say the opposite. No one else has ever said anything of the kind to me.

I understand the process you speak of totally, however I don't subscribe to it because, well because I've explained my whole overview of this company and if you understood that, you would understand that sometimes the normal process of things doesn't apply in some cases because the normal process assumes certain regularities which I happen to find are not present with vplm. It's the same thing that has often left your processed brain perplexed at the actions, inactions and mysteries shown by Vplm. So happens process doesn't always work. Often times non processed is better or more practical.

Vplm is unusual in several ways and the usual processes seen in patent cases ain't gonna fit it...

Big surprises, in my opinion, will rear their ugly heads regarding the patents and that's all I'll say here and now because I've delineated the entire alternate process as I see it, more than enough times. What I will say is that while the normal expected process has already brought many surprises, still, admittedly, there is a certain amount of the process you are thinking of, that IS indeed playing out and I have not denied or negated that at all. It just hasn't gone and will not go, the way you expect it (even tho I've seen you move the goalposts and switched teams several times over the years, unsurprisingly when the process doesn't fit your template).

What that means is there is a certain different kind of process going on which I called 5 yrs ago to last another 5 yrs or so and it is going strong. But it's not the legal system process you speak of. That system is awfully corrupt. It is the Vplm system that has been the boss ever since they did their great renege and became the poster child patent troll. The irony is the obvious patent troll is only part of the mirage. They are not a true patent troll. They just use that persona as part of the front. What they are is a very sophisticated and highly thought out, big, mean green, fiat share printing and selling machine that is very successful at it for years ever since the big lie around 2013 or so. When looked at in that perspective, all the dots connect and process, at least for me and a few others. I've seen this before and been through it before with a company named TIV.

You don't get away with a scheme/process like what vplm is, without making it look very real in some ways which are enough to pull the wool over enough eyes to get lots of new shareholders (years ago but not anymore) and sell lots of shares that came from the company and allowed the scheme to happen and grow. Lord Emu of eGipped has said and DONE so many things over the years that many recognized as nefarious and sneaky and disingenuous. And still lives up to that but he's probably planning on getting out soon, like Imelda and Ferdinand Marcos and Tammy Faye and Jim Bakker. They will likely flee the country.

So you see I can PROCESS with the best of them but it's just a different process I see in place. If you choose to believe in this farce, I won't put you down for it. Your entitled to your view. Some day it will play out and I hope I'm wrong, being a shareholder... but I've mentally written off those shares long ago so no sweat for me to use them for wallpaper if I dint ever see 50 cents. I call it the way I see it. Truthfully, I am usually found to be right in the end with my sometimes unorthodox views.