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Replies to #67959 on Bible (Bible)


04/09/24 7:34 AM

#67969 RE: plugger #67959

Good morning brother… Well first of all… I am NOT saying that a person should not study the Bible…as we know…gaining a deeper understanding of Gods word is very beneficial...of course in getting to know Him better...but also...helping us in our walk each day and helping us turn our back to sin. go along with the Bible there's plenty of resources that we can put down on the table in front of us…and as we read the Bible to flip back and forth to the reference versus that are included…to read the words that others have put in their study Bibles like say John MacArthur…Bible dictionaries…Bible concordances…and there are like five different versions of the Bible that i use...NKJV...ESV...NSAB...NIV...NLT… Yes…plenty of awesome tools for us to use to study the Bible....with of course the best to you said...the Holy Spirit. But with me… I have found…and remember I'm kind of a one track simpleminded person… I can get so involved with this that and the other with all these resources…and I end up just confused and not even know what I originally was sitting there trying to figure out…sigh...but of course...even if a run a rabbit around the hole in that study i am still learning so its all good...right. Now...again...keeping in mind that I'm kind of a one track simple minded kind of person. So I'm not saying anything is wrong with studying the Bible…but I have found…just sitting and reading the text of the Bible and as this is often talked about.... not about the quantity of reading but the quality of reading…and taking those few verses and absorb them and like you say plugger letting the Holy Spirit reveal to me through that that I need to hear…seems to be my best bet. Now of course I use other resources from time to time…and they are awesome…but i just thought I would throw that out there to go along with what you were saying. The discernment of the Holy Spirit…in our heart…living in us…holding the Bible in our hands reading verse by verse…yes plugger with a cup of pretty sure God will always reveal to us what we need to hear in our mind and our heart at that time…how cool and awesome is that !