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04/05/24 6:22 PM

#74567 RE: LittleBirdin my Ear #74566

Market orders would hurt!! Glad I was able to load up a few more the last couple days! What a nice gift!! Jmo


04/05/24 6:39 PM

#74568 RE: LittleBirdin my Ear #74566

Good to know SFRX’s pps is so vulnerable, and…..

longs misinterpreted the 10K too.

Everyone had the same information.

Perhaps longs should stay on their A game instead of pointing fingers and deflecting.

SFRX could use the same headline number as Max, and it might not be so easily misinterpreted by longs, as it was here.

Funny, some longs claim to be happy about the dip. They said they loaded up. Others feigned disgust at misinformation based on the misinterpretation.

BTW, can you provide data that shows why shares were sold? Or are you attempting to deflect from the dump-a-thon?

Again, good to know the Worm Poop Rally is so vulnerable. I’m sure the dump-a-thon had nothing to do with this from the 10K, and look forward to you showing your data explaining the sell off. It should be amusing.

While non-ferrous targets have been identified by the SeaSearcher, none of these targets have been exhumed yet. There is also a strong possibility that there are no artifacts of significant value located at the Juno Beach shipwreck site.