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04/05/24 12:31 PM

#10473 RE: Prudent Capitalist #10463

I wish the conservatives would take back control of the republican party and get back to running on issues they once believed in, like a strong defense both here and abroad. Not this trump run away from everything scenario, and appease dictators.


04/05/24 12:59 PM

#10482 RE: Prudent Capitalist #10463

Thanks Prudent! Believe when I say I'm not a fan of Biden myself but the most logical option. I would be considered an Independent...I think this country has some terrible hard left and hard right representation and those philosophies are tearing the country apart. There's no more give or take by these's their way or the highway! Sad but true! Trump unfortunately since his arrival and mass media coverage of his every word has made it acceptable to his followers that hate is okay...therein our problems started. I pray that one day, voters will see through all their bullshit and vote in common sense...whether it be a Democrat or a Republican. Unfortunately too many voters just vote with their allegiance regardless of the platform the representative is pushing. This country is dying a slow death and we need to come together as Americans and do what's right for the majority of it's citizens...Peace brother!
