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04/05/24 12:31 PM

#17313 RE: ANTI-BAGHOLDER #17305

Except we already established I haven’t sold a share. You are a liar JJ. A true scumbag with a personal vendetta with someone you don’t know, who is truly better than you, and you would rue the day if you ever met me because woke cowardly trolls like you and I know you are woke, therefore mostly female would run like babies in any moment of tension.

You would be nothing without the internet to peddle your nonsense. And very few will actually show up to your funeral and truly respect you as a person


04/05/24 12:31 PM

#17314 RE: ANTI-BAGHOLDER #17305

Well when you ride the coattails of others doing your DD, take no risk and do nothing but throw stones, what are you?
