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04/05/24 1:12 PM

#379717 RE: kairos #379710

I 100% agree at some point, reality will appear, all beat up & disfigured...but it will be an ugly awakening for a lot of people duped into believing digits on a screen is money...the greatest scam of all...if you don't hold it, you don't own it...period

if/when market does correct to 2000/2007 SP500 highs at $1500, people will be thinking sky is falling...when in reality, it's just coming back down to earth...I believe at some point they lock people out of accessing their 401k/IRA/etc (aka digits on a screen) when market does the big correction (For your protection of course)...those who think they are/were rich find out, they literally have nothing...and worst of all, will have to fight just to get access to their own digital fiat...sounds crazy, but crazy been all around us for a decade now (around the time propaganda was legalized in 2013) hmmmmm

I know obamo floated a 3% per year guaranteed government retirement system (they would roll over your 401k's into it)....was shot down back then, but they clearly sent the message that's where they want to go..imo My biggest point here is if someone can turn off your access to your digital fiat (via social credit score, yes it's a real concept) or NIRP (see japan last 8 years) your digital fiat in your bank without your approval...then digital fiat being blocked/taken can & will be a thing in the future...imo

gold/silver, those old relics they call it in public...meanwhile, Central banks collectively bought more than 1,000 tonnes of gold for each of the past two years — a pace unprecedented in modern history. more than previous 60 years....Now gold breaking new highs daily, surprise what they do, not what they say

When people wake up to this reality (something occurring now imo) they will want to secure their wealth in hard assets only and silver/gold is hardest of them all...jmho

Possession is 9/10ths of the law is more important than ever..imo