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04/03/24 7:27 PM

#10190 RE: ErvinFamly74 #10179

How's this for an ideology: The Democraps not only enslaved black people, They also fought a war to keep them as slaves. Remember when the Republican army of the north had to defeat the Democrat slave holding army of the south in the Civil War ! Democraps are also responsible for every negative thing ever done to black people in this country. KKK, Jim Crow Laws, Poll Taxes, Segregation, The Tuskegee Medical Experiments, The Tulsa Massacre, all of the other Massacres, The Great Society Programs of the JFK and LBJ administrations that destroyed black families by removing their fathers out of the homes and replacing them with a welfare check. I could go on, but I think I have made my point. Now you have to explain why you are a member of the party of such injustice and hatred.