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04/03/24 4:49 PM

#64305 RE: cngreen #64300

You really are clueless about all things shorting.

You don't seem to understand that you can't short a CE stock and you certainly can't short a stock on the Expert Market.

You really are clueless about OTC trading and especially all things about shorting. Pumper boy - it is hilarious that you didn't know - you can't short a CE stock - and once again you have embarrassed yourself.

"There's plenty of reason for the nphc vitriol when you expect a company to go out of business and then it doesnt which requires a purchase of all the shares naked shorted.

Thats why the shorters are freaking out. Expect the concerned activity to increase as they have to repurchase their short shares."

Getting a CE is the same as"going out of business" - why would anyone shorting or naked shorting care about a company that has never been profitable care if it went out of business. Plus the lowest the price can go for shorting is $0.0001. SMH!

If you were a little smarter you would know that NPHC isn't on the Reg SHO Threshold List - meaning there isn't any naked shorting.

Read and learn pumper boy.