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04/02/24 7:36 PM

#129038 RE: Atltraderken #129033

Haven't read your other post yet.. I'm just a high school dropout. I have no experience in the market or trading other than what I've picked up since I saw opportunity in the 2008/9 crash simply based on common sense. Getting back to the post number I gave you you didn't reply as to whether you were able to see it or not so I don't know if your decision to explain your deal was because you did find the post, showing I did what I said and what you asked for (although you still haven't to my knowledge, explained what you meant by showing my intention) or if you simply decided to quit being so cryptic for some other reason. Regardless, if you couldn't locate the post and if you still want to see it (it was posted a couple hours before the date changed to 4/1), I can retrieve it or copy/paste it. I was not able to see it in the regular posts list and if you also couldn't there's a reason for it but it's hard to explain. I found it in a different ihub Vplm folder.

So anyway, I'll bet you might feel better just having explained yourself. Even tho I've obviously learned at least a few minor things about trading, I don't really have the head for it and if dd gets too technical it gives me a headache. I excel in common sense and psychology.

Your story about silver, while I get a sliver of it, mostly escapes me. I loosely thought silver prices were somewhat up and pretty stable for years now but I don't follow. I did have some occasion to very recently check the spot price for some reason I can't recall and I think it was fairly close to that price you just quoted and I do have a very loose understanding of what a short squeeze is, but honestly, that's as far as I am in comprehending how your story works in any cohesive way. I just don't see the correlation but I take your word for it, that there is. Maybe if I read your post a couple more times, I might begin to understand. For now, it sounds like a somewhat convoluted stretch to me and my intuitiveness tells me nothing will become of it. However that's mostly because of my diametrically opposed view of Vplm compared to anyone who is pro vplm and not because I don't believe your view of this has no merit. I'm sure it does considering the background you laid out as having. I should note at this point that I didn't really wish to be rude to you but your secretiveness about it left me with...well, let's just put it this have to admit I fleshed you out, lol. And I truly did find your posts as sounding phony and I wouldn't mind knowing what exactly drove your need to be so cryptic. It doesn't sound like you had to divulge any kind of hidden secrets, did you? I apologize for my devils advocate method of dealing. I especially find amusing the need to reverse the pps number, lol. You might get a kick in knowing that for shits and giggles I did a search on that reversed number, as it might correlate to stocks in general and what came was that exact number, in fact a price today for some Japanese concrete pipe company. It was something like TVO or some similar. I scratched my head for a 3 second before I told myself no way there's any Vplm correlation here.

I realize that the scenario you laid out re Vplm price rise, may indeed happen to some degree from a sort of sideways effect, but my whole thing about Vplm is that the patents are not even close to being what vplm brass cracked them up to be so many years ago now. I got in before any acquisition talks or anything about patents. Vplm has told many lies about it from the git and I've been able to connect many dots in that regard. I don't believe the Vplm ship will ever come in........ BUT.......I also am in the strange position of hoping as much as anyone that I'm dead wrong (I'm not) because after all, even tho I also have technically no cost basis for the shares I hold for so long, still, it would be very nice to be able to cash in at 50 cents or more at which time I'd happily admit I was wrong but I truly can't see that happening and I'd just as soon use the shares for toilet paper oe wallpaper before selling for less than the 50 cents I've asked for for many years.

So there you have it and I'm glad you didn't get too offended by me. I hope your right and won't hold my breath, lol.
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04/02/24 10:01 PM

#129047 RE: Atltraderken #129033

Mr Squirrel, reading this post, I wish I knew what the correlation is.. I have no clue. Vplm doesn't manufacture anything in terms of silver so what could the correlation be? If you have some reason to not want to divulge the correlation (here we go again..), then could at least explain why you wouldn't want to divulge that info. Maybe you're a bit shy about not wanting to affect the pps 1 way or the other...? I believe someone with your background could indeed have an effect, especially if that correlation is a rock solid one. Ok, it's hint time again!