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04/01/24 3:35 PM

#12676 RE: Savannah-Marc #12673

Those GS Capital shares will not begin to vest until the end of June in my opinion. I believe these conversions are observing the rule 144 holding period which is how I predicted the huge selloff at the end of December. Seriously doubt any dilution today because they aren't promoting and we are seeing less than 10 million in volume. After the past week and the 118 million in volume on Friday the 22nd off that last infomercial in the high teens are packed tight. Most probably understand that those dumping the new shares in the high teens knew they couldn't into the 2s. So why do those new buyers in the high teens expect to flip into the 2s? Given that, why would anyone buying here expect to sell into the high teens when they know the next promo will likely include more new shares? You will know when they are moving shares, the CEO's face will be in a new infomercial. These toxic lenders are banking a fortune on those shares priced below $0.0002 so they can easily cover the cost of the infomercials.

Re: None
Saturday, December 23, 2023 10:12:19 AM
Post# 7962 of 11675
...That two week period between June 14th and June 30th yielded 243,787,128 new shares issued. The six month holding period would move this time slot to begin this past week. Next we see 100,492,308 shares in two tranches issued in July per the subsequent events note in the June 30th quarterly filing. I next have an August 4th date showing 1,134,572,435 shares outstanding and another showing 1,244,572,435 as of November 1st which is also the current outstanding share count. Those two values show that 110,000,000 new shares where issued during that period...
