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Elmer Phud

02/26/07 11:55 PM

#38777 RE: kpf #38776


Well i believe you are confused who is attacking and who is defending at this point.

I never mentioned attacks or defenses. Those are your words, not mine. One is making money the other is losing it. There's nothing on the horizon to change that. You think Barcelona is AMD's savior, I don't. There is nothing to support your belief but faith. We've never seen anything more than a couple of seconds of taskmaster. Intel has demonstrated in full view for all the world to see, Servers, Workstations and Laptops running complex applications on A0 45nm HighK metal gate Penryn processors. In my opinion your belief in Barcelona is unsupported by any physical facts in evidence or anything postulated. From what we know it may not surpass what Intel is shipping today in the majority of benchmarks. AMD makes claims of 40% performance superiority but they won't explain what that means. It's pretty obvious they are grasping at straws and in the end they will ship a processor showing a 40% lead in SPECfp_rate compared to what Intel is shipping today. That's it. AMD hasn't met a schedule in as long as we can remember so what makes you think they'll meet this one? There isn't a snowball's chance in hell they will ship in Q2 and the volume will be miniscule through '07 if they ship at all. I think your confidence in Barcelona is faith based, nothing more.


02/27/07 12:09 AM

#38778 RE: kpf #38776

It takes longer than most expect, because it is on a schedule few understand, or better put it the design is aimed at a horizon few are able to think. Many things not yet discussed appropriately on the boards. Will take a year or so until it will be widely understood, i guess.

What on earth are you talking about?



02/27/07 12:23 AM

#38779 RE: kpf #38776

I take that to mean that the comparisons between conroe and Barcelona are fairly meaningless. Comparisons between Penryn and Barcelona perhaps more meaningful, but the real deal might not be until we compare Barcelona to Nehalem? I have always thought it would be later rather than sooner, but I think "year or so" is longer than even I expected.


02/27/07 6:30 AM

#38794 RE: kpf #38776

Well, let me tell you, I'm sure Intel can understand AMD's horizon, if you think AMD will slip one by Intel and are basing your investment that way, then don't be surprised if you lose :) I don't think for one nano-second that Intel isn't paying a lot of attention to AMD.


02/27/07 8:59 AM

#38799 RE: kpf #38776

re:I understand that. My own relation to Barcelona is far from love at first sight. It takes time to understand. Yes for what you call slips. It takes longer than most expect, because it is on a schedule few understand, or better put it the design is aimed at a horizon few are able to think. Many things not yet discussed appropriately on the boards. Will take a year or so until it will be widely understood, i guess.

Perhaps you'd like to elaborate?
