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03/29/24 10:27 AM

#9482 RE: RobH1312 #9481

Three and half years out of office, and Donald trump finally attended a slain police officer's funeral, and you just need demonstrate your ignorance to all of the other police officers that were killed since he has left office.

Maybe trump could have attended the funeral of the police officers that were killed during his January 6, 2021, where his supporters attacked police officers when he told them they had use force..

But then you are also forgetting that America was in the depth of a nationwide pandemic that killed over 1.2 million Americans. Guess what trump never attended any of those funerals either.
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03/29/24 11:12 AM

#9497 RE: RobH1312 #9481

And the same fat orange asshole pretending to support the police NEVER gave a word of support to the many injured Capitol police on 1/6 or in the aftermath. So f'k the insurrection inciting, bullshit stop the steal promoting, traitor.
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03/29/24 11:16 AM

#9503 RE: RobH1312 #9481

WRONG! Confusing SELF-INTEREST (optics) with INTEGRITY.


[] ADULTERY left & right, BANGING PROSTITUTES, paying Hush Money...

[] "I COULD SHOOT A person on 5th avenue & NOT lose any votes"

[] The Bible is my FAVORITE BOOK!!
[] But I won't quote from it?

20,000 of CONald's "WALL OF LIES" - LOOK HERE:

Pretty impressive, creative barrier & attempt to document The TRUTH: CONald is a LIAR!

Always has been...
[] Multiple lawsuits REDUCING his property tax obligations AFTER HE inflated them!
The victims being the OTHER CITIZENS, taxpayers, average people, & "SUCKERS" who don't employ these tactics.






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03/29/24 11:33 AM

#9513 RE: RobH1312 #9481

FACTCHECK: CONald sues town of Ossining, New York (over the property tax valuation on 147-acre Trump National Golf Club Westchester) which CONald purchased for around $8 million & to which CONald claimed, at the club's opening, to have added $45 million in facility improvements.

Although CONald stated in his 2015 FEC filing that the property was worth at least $50 million, his lawsuit seeks a $1.4 million valuation on the property (which includes a 75,000-square-foot clubhouse, five overnight suites, and permission to build 71 condominium units) in an effort to shave $424,176 from his annual local property tax obligations.

0. So CONald buys a property for $8M
1. Bloats his property value (to secure more money, bank loans, favorable interest terms, etc.).
2. Claiming $50M (minimum valuation)

3. When the TAX BILL comes, he sues & rejects the valuation.
4. Arguing the $8M property he bought at auction & publicly claimed $45M (in improvements), which HE SAID was valued at $50M "minimum"
5. Is ONLY worth $1.4M

6. CONald has been doing this FOR DECADES!
7. It's FRAUD. Where is the INTEGRITY in this?

LYING FRAUD is what the CONald is!






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03/29/24 2:27 PM

#9521 RE: RobH1312 #9481

SHAMELESS CON-artist BEGGARS: "$5 donations, losing childhood home..." LMMFAO!!

CONald Trump Jr. Warns He's About to Lose His Childhood Home
Published Mar 28, 2024 at 4:40 PM EDT

CONald Trump Jr., eldest son of former President CONald Trump, warned that New York Attorney General Letitia James wanted to seize Trump Tower, his "boyhood home," as he requested $5 campaign donations in a fundraising email delivered on Wednesday.

New York State Supreme Court Justice Arthur Engoron ruled in favor of James' civil fraud lawsuit in February, ordering the former president to pay $454 million for overinflating values of his properties and his own net worth by billions of dollars to secure loans and make deals. Trump, who was found liable by the state but has repeatedly denied the accusations, has also been barred from conducting business in New York for three years.

As Trump faced a deadline to pay these penalties, a New York appeals court stepped in on Monday and gave the former president an extended deadline to pay a smaller $175 million bond to satisfy the judgment in the case.

In response to the appellate court ruling, James said, in part, "Donald Trump is still facing accountability for his staggering fraud. The court has already found that he engaged in years of fraud to falsely inflate his net worth and unjustly enrich himself, his family, and his organization."

After the appeals court ruling, Trump Jr. said in the email on Wednesday, "Friend, the radical anti-Trump Attorney General in New York wanted to seize my boyhood home. She wanted to get her hands on Trump Tower, and take control of one of the most iconic buildings in American history.

CONald Jr. asked for $5 campaign donations in the email, saying, "My dad's most critical end-of-month fundraising deadline is almost here. If he's going to beat Crooked Joe's army of liberal billionaires, it will be because of your support today."

Newsweek has reached out to Trump's campaign and the New York Attorney General's Office via email for additional comment on Thursday.

Political analyst Craig Agranoff told Newsweek on Thursday, "Donald Trump Jr.'s strategy of mentioning Letitia James in the context of a campaign fundraising effort, especially with the emotionally charged claim of potentially seizing his 'boyhood home,' is likely designed to resonate deeply with MAGA voters and, to a broader extent, Republicans."

Agranoff continued: "This narrative taps into a longstanding sentiment among many supporters that the Trump family is under siege by political opponents. Highlighting a personal & relatable aspect like a 'boyhood home' could amplify feelings of empathy & solidarity among his base."

Trump is also facing numerous legal battles, including a criminal trial in New York set to begin on April 15, in which the ex-president is accused of falsifying business records in connection to hush money paid to adult-film actress Stormy Daniels. Trump has also repeatedly denied these accusations.....

Stop Breaking The Law Asshole!





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03/29/24 2:43 PM

#9524 RE: RobH1312 #9481

My challenge as a Christian psychologist: Help evangelicals see Trump for who he really is

Trump-supporting evangelicals are among the most blind Christians to ever engage in politics

In 2015, I was a Republican. However, I became increasingly alarmed by the political rise of Donald Trump and the evangelical support he garnered. It was clear to me at the time that Trump was intellectually, psychologically, and morally unfit for office and that it was delusional for anyone, especially evangelicals, to think otherwise.

My alarm only grew as increasing numbers of evangelicals threw their support behind Trump with his selection of Mike Pence, a devout Christian, as his running mate. It was at that time I began to write opinion pieces criticizing Trump and challenging evangelicals to stop buying into his self-glorifying lies. With very few exceptions, my op-eds fell on deaf ears.

Fast forward to today, and the unfitness of Trump to occupy the Oval Office is only worsening as is the delusional view many evangelicals have of him. MAGA evangelicals, like lambs led to the slaughter, continue to believe the things that come out of Trump’s mouth, something deeply concerning given that he is widely seen as a pathological liar.

Evangelical support of Trump in 2024 falls into the category of “Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.” Shame on Trump for conning evangelicals into supporting him in 2016. Shame on evangelicals for being conned back into supporting him in 2024 given his catastrophically bad presidency and noticeable unfitness for office. There are none so blind as those who will not see, and Trump-supporting evangelicals are among the most blind Christians to ever engage in politics.

Before going any further, I want to define delusional as I’m using it in this piece. A person being delusional is “characterized by or holding false beliefs or judgments about external reality that are held despite incontrovertible evidence to the contrary.” It is my contention that many MAGA evangelicals are delusional in that they continue to see Trump in an extremely positive light even though who he is would suggest seeing him in an extremely negative one.

Trump Bibles make a mockery of Christianity — and that's exactly why MAGA will eat them up
Along these lines, Trump-supporting evangelicals appear to be especially good at cherry-picking verses from the Bible to justify their support of Trump, but they seem to have a strong aversion to dealing with sections of Scripture that clearly warn against doing so. I believe there are two primary biblical passages that argue against supporting Trump for president. In focusing on these passages, I have two questions I would like evangelicals who support Trump to answer.

How do you support someone for president who unrepentantly practices the things God hates?
One of the most important passages in the Bible for understanding Trump, one that MAGA evangelicals often ignore, is Proverbs 6:16-19. It says, “There are six things the Lord hates, seven that are detestable to him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked schemes, feet that are quick to rush into evil, a false witness who pours out lies, and a person who stirs up conflict in the community.” From my perspective, this is a word-for-word description of how Trump operates.

Trump has haughty eyes in that he proudly believes he never does anything wrong. Trump once said he had never asked God for forgiveness because he hadn’t done anything bad enough to warrant it. Trump has a lying tongue. During his presidency alone, he told over 30,000 lies, and the frequency of his lying appears to have only increased since he left office. Trump’s gross mishandling of the COVID crisis qualifies as the shedding of innocent blood. Tens of thousands of people died from COVID who didn’t have to, all because Trump didn’t want the numbers to make him look bad. Trump is quick to rush into evil (affairs, tax evasion, sexual assault, defaming others, scam schools and charities, inciting an insurrection). Trump bears false witness against others in that he frequently attacks people’s character, especially the character of those he feels the most threatened by, in an effort to distract from how little he possesses. Finally, Trump stirs up conflict wherever he goes, disunifying our country every step of the way.

Evangelicals, how do you support someone like this for president?

How do you support someone for president who God tells you to ignore?
A second passage for understanding Trump that many of his evangelical supporters refuse to acknowledge is 2 Timothy 3:1-5. It is, from my perspective as a psychologist, a description of a malignant narcissist: “There will be terrible times in the last days. People will become lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God—having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with such people (italics mine).” Again, I would argue that this is a word-for-word description of Trump.

Trump exhibits malignant narcissism in that everything is about his needs being met and how great he is. Trump is a lover of money in that he has lived his adult life greedily pursuing wealth and behaving as if he can never have enough. He is beyond boastful, talking ad nauseum about how he knows more than all the experts in their respective fields. Trump is abusive, especially when it comes to the verbal and emotional abuse he has inflicted on those around him. He is unforgiving and has already warned us that if he is elected president for a second time, he is going to go on a revenge tour against his enemies the likes of which our country has never seen. Trump lacks self-control in many areas of life including food, sex, golf, and controlling his tongue. He clearly isn’t a “lover of the good.” To the contrary, he seems to have a strong penchant for loving evil and evil dictators in what guides his actions. Finally, Trump portrays himself as a godly man when there is no substance behind it. Trump recently said he was proud to be a Christian, something no humble Christian would say, and he has been out hawking Bibles lately while portraying himself as someone who loves the Word of God. Both of these reflect Trump trying to appear to be someone he's not—a God-fearing, Bible-loving man who models his life on the life of Jesus Christ.

Evangelicals, how do you support someone like this for president?

No matter what the cost, Christians must stand up for truth
It is not inherently delusional to hold conservative or liberal values. Both sides of the political aisle have core values that are admirable and worth fighting for. What turns holding these values problematic is when a person takes them to radical extremes and weaponizes them for personal gain and glory while not caring how much damage he or she causes the country in the process. Trump is such a person, and, consequently, I believe it is both foolish and delusional to support him holding the highest office in the land.

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I have great admiration for Nathaniel Manderson’s recent opinion piece, “My calling as a Christian minister: Stand up against evangelical hypocrisy.” I admire any Christian who is willing to risk being attacked and vilified when he or she feels other Christians are in error and need to be called out for it. It was his article that led to writing this one.

I identify with many of the things Manderson said about the price one pays for speaking out against Trump and the hypocrisy of evangelicals who support him. Personally, it has been painful for me to lose friendships and some degree of professional respect over my criticisms of Trump. But, as is the case with Pastor Manderson, I’m far better off not having certain people as friends or the regard of certain professional colleagues if they are unwilling to respectfully and rationally engage in truth-based debate about whether or not Trump is fit to lead this country.

Within the body of Christ, there appears to be little willingness to reason anymore, and unbridled emotions seem to be running the show. We are deeply divided as to whether or not supporting Trump is wise or foolish, biblical or unbiblical. But this is part and parcel of how Trump operates—sow discord and division among groups of people, even Christian groups he claims to be a part of, and ride that division all the way to the White House for his glory and not for the glory of God.

I think our country is strong enough to withstand another Trump presidency. But, to be honest, I don’t want to find out. It’s a risk we can’t afford to take. I respectfully ask Christians who support Trump to reconsider. The stakes are incredibly high in every election but are especially high in this one. If you’re conservative like me, please consider voting for someone else in November. Please vote for someone who, though imperfect like all of us, genuinely cares about truth, doing good, the sanctity of human life, compassion for the downtrodden, and unifying our country, not someone like Trump who gives the appearance of doing so for self-serving gain.

Stop Breaking The Law Asshole!





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03/30/24 11:04 AM

#9598 RE: RobH1312 #9481

Ofc. Sicknick's Family Blasts Trump for Exploiting Slain Officer

"There's nothing good about this man."

The family of Capitol Police Officer Brian Sicknick is fuming at Donald Trump's shameless attempt to exploit the death of NYPD Officer Jonathan Diller by flying in to appear at his memorial service for twenty minutes for a photo op before rushing to a local drive thru to order $200 worth of fast food. Brian Sicknick suffered two strokes as a result of his injuries sustained during Trump's riot on J6, and died days later.

Diller was the 8th police officer shot and killed in the line of duty in the United States this year. Trump said nothing after each of the previous seven, did not call their families or attend their services. Many times he was holding rallies or fundraisers on the day or their funerals. On one date he was hosting Hungary's authoritarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban.

But this particular service just happened to be on the same day and place as a major pre-planned fundraiser for Joe Biden hosted by former Presidents Bill Clinton and Barack Obama. It is also being hosted by the city that is currently prosecuting him both civilly and criminally. So, Trump seized about the opportunity to exploit Diller's death in his uniquely disgusting and shameless way by claiming to care about this officer's family while Biden was raising money.

The Trump campaign claimed it was simply conveying the message that he "backs the blue." But he didn't back the police on J6. Of the 140 officers who suffered injuries at the hands of Trump's mob, not one of them received a call from Trump or a visit from him in the hospital. He has never praised their service of heroism. In fact, he has promised to pardon the criminals who assaulted them.

The father and brother of Officer Sicknick were disgusted by what they saw yesterday, and were not going to remain silent over it. In an interview with the NY Daily News, Brian's father Charles Sicknick said:

"He makes sure he gets his face out there. The guy's a criminal. He's the reason my son is dead - because of the riot at the Capitol. He's a publicity hound. Trump does whatever will get him votes and helps Donald Trump. There's nothing good about this man."

Brian's brother Kenneth Sicknick said, "The fact that he states he's law and order but he sent a mob that ultimately ended up killing my brother. He has such a lack of self-awareness of what he does. He's using that officer's death as a campaign platform."




