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03/28/24 7:03 PM

#70875 RE: PennyHeaven7 #70874

Thank you for your effort.


03/28/24 9:06 PM

#70877 RE: PennyHeaven7 #70874

I did get an email reply almost a year ago, albeit a few months late, from someone at The Plant.... His name is Stephen and he left me his phone number. I never called because I wasn't planning on going there to visit.

They will eventually reply, imo.

Good Luck!


03/30/24 9:39 AM

#70884 RE: PennyHeaven7 #70874

Thank You we need more actual posts and shareholder agency or action like this. This board has devolved into people bickering about personal feelings.

This stock may in fact be dead and gone but peeling off layers of the onion to give us closure or dare i say some slight tiny particles of hope are what's useful not arguing like 7th graders.

we all obviously bought shares and are stuck with them now... let's see if we can expose the crooks or find a pulse here